11 Special Ways to Celebrate Your Boyfriend's Birthday ...


11 Special Ways to Celebrate Your Boyfriend's Birthday ...
11 Special Ways to Celebrate Your Boyfriend's Birthday ...

If you've been thinking about ways to celebrate your boyfriend's birthday, you're not alone. My guys birthday is coming up soon and I've been wondering how to celebrate his special day. With a little research, I've come up with 11 possible ways to celebrate your boyfriend's birthday that I wanted to share with you.

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1. Prepare His Favorite Meal

One of the best ways to celebrate your boyfriend's birthday is to prepare a meal for him. For my guys birthday, I plan to prepare a few of his favorite foods, plus, a new food that he's been requesting. Most guys love it when a woman cooks for them; after all, the way to get to a man's heart is through his tummy. If your guy prefers to dine out, take him to his favorite restaurant or to one that he's been wanting to try.

2. Prepare His Favorite Dessert

While a birthday cake is a wonderful idea, why not try something different. My guy doesn't really like birthday cake. So, this year I've decided to prepare a different dessert for him. Don't forget to add candles to his dessert. To make his day even more special make sure you sing “Happy Birthday” to him.

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3. Write Him a Love Letter

On holidays it's easy to get in the habit of sending someone a text or an email to wish them happy birthday. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with this method. In fact, I do it quite often. For your boyfriend's birthday consider writing him a letter. You could use the letter to wish him happy birthday and to tell him how much he means to you. I'm sure this heartfelt gesture will be very appreciated.

4. Tickets to an Event

Is there a certain concert or sporting event that your guy would like to go to? If so, surprise him with tickets for that event. If the event is not on your guy's birthday, give him a smaller gift on his actual birthday and tell him that you have something special planned. To make it even more exciting, don't tell that you're going to the event until you get there.

5. Surprise Birthday Party

Traditionally, birthday parties have mainly been for children or those celebrating a milestone, such as their 50th birthday. Perhaps, you could change this tradition by hosting your boyfriend a surprise birthday party. This is especially great if your guy has friends and family that he rarely gets to see, but would like to. If you're hoping for a large turnout be sure to tell guests 2-3 weeks in advance. Also, make sure that they know you're having a surprise party, so they don't accidently tell your boyfriend.

6. A GetAway

If you've got the funds and the time, celebrate your boyfriend's special day by taking him on a trip. There are many different destinations that you could choose from. If you're interested in a romantic trip, a lodge or an inn may be a great spot. If your guy is an outdoorsman, a camping trip may be good idea. If you're unable to go away, perhaps you could plan a mini staycation for the two of you.


You can make the trip even more special by planning some activities for the two of you. Depending on where you go, you could explore a new city, go on a wine tour, visit a spa, or go on a romantic hike. If you're staying local, you could plan a romantic dinner, a movie night, or a picnic in the park. No matter what you choose, your boyfriend is sure to appreciate your thoughtfulness and effort. Make sure to take lots of pictures to capture the special memories you make together.

7. Your Attention

I think one of the most important things you can give your guy on his birthday is your attention. When you're together, make an attempt to pay extra attention to him. Perhaps, you could turn off all social media and the television. You can also let your friends know ahead of time that you'll be unavailable. This will allow you to spend more one-on-one time together without being interrupted.

8. Movie Marathon in Bed

Get all his favorite films, fill up some bowls with popcorn, and ta-da! You're ready for a movie marathon in bed. Dedicate the day to just being together and being lazy. He'll appreciate the downtime and he'll be happy that you took an interest in his favorite films!

9. Scavenger Hunt

I've seen these in movies and think they're just the sweetest thing. Leave him little notes and clues around the house that'll lead him to his gifts. The final note should lead to you!


Scavenger hunts are a fun and creative way to celebrate your boyfriend's birthday. Not only do they add an element of surprise and excitement, but they also show your thoughtfulness and effort. To make it even more special, you can personalize the clues and notes with inside jokes or memories you both share. This activity can be done at home or in a public place, depending on your preference. It's a great way to spend quality time together and create new memories. Plus, it's a budget-friendly option for those looking to celebrate without breaking the bank. So why not give it a try for your next special occasion?

10. Ask Him What He Wants to do

After all, it's HIS birthday! Now, this doesn't mean that you can't plan something for him, but you should definitely take what he wants into consideration. Find out if he wants something low-key or extravagant and then go from there!

11. Extend It

Why settle for just ONE epic day? Make his birthday his birthday week or weekend! It'll make him feel super special and loved. Fill each day with fun activities and small gifts!

I hope some of these ideas help make your boyfriend's birthday special. Are there any birthday celebration tips that you would like to share with me? I can't wait to see what they are.

This article was written in collaboration with editor Vanessa Salles.
Sources: buzzle.com, ehow.com

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Amina abdul ur f***ing with jinns and black magic

I would do things he enjoyed. He was big on walks in the part or playing video games with him.

I was reading this to meh boyfriend and he surprise sex