7 Standards You Should Never Lower for a Happy Life ...


Even if you think you’ve found the one, there are standards you should never lower. Some men are perfect in every single way but one, and that one thing can destroy the relationship. Sometimes, you can look past one's flaws, but other times, they destroy your chances together. Here are some standards you should never lower, no matter what the circumstances are:

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First Class Treatment

If a man physically or emotionally abuses you, leave. Expecting your man to treat you like a princess is one of the standards you should never lower. Of course, life isn’t a fairy tale and he won’t wait on you hand and foot, but he should treat you like you’re the most valuable woman in his life. Never settle for someone that thinks they can do better, or treats you like you’re second best.



He doesn’t necessarily have to have a job, but he has to do something. It’s not unreasonable to expect him to do the dishes, mow the lawn, and make you dinner if you’re the only one working. He doesn’t have to bring home the cash, but he definitely has to contribute something to the relationship. You shouldn’t be the only one doing the work.


Man of Morals

Some people are okay with drinking and smoking, but others are completely against it. If you don’t like how often a man succumbs to his desires, then talk to him about it. If he's unwilling to put down his cup, then you have to move on. Even if he seems perfect for you, his actions could cause trouble down the road.


Only One

If a man cheats on you, don’t act like it’s okay because of his gender. Cheating is never acceptable. Don’t assume that you’ll never find another man, and stick with the cheater so that you’re not alone. Get out of that relationship, because you deserve better. The guy you’re meant to be with will never make you feel worthless.


Importance of Attraction

You shouldn't strive to be with the hottest guy on the planet, but you shouldn't settle for someone you're not at all physically attracted to. That attraction is part of what makes a relationship work. Don't feel bad if you're just not feeling it with someone. One day you'll find someone with the whole package.

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Common Ground

Opposites attract, but it's important to have things in common. If you and your man disagree on absolutely everything, then it will be hard to make the relationship work. Small things, like enjoying the same TV shows, can be incredibly important. You don't need to find someone that's identical to you, but you should be with someone that shares an interest or two with you.


Happy with Him

If you’re not happy in a relationship, why does it still exist? Your partner might provide you with shelter, food, and love, but happiness tops all of those things. Even if you feel bad about leaving, you have to do so. Isn't the point of life to be as happy as you can be? You have to do whatever will make your life worth living, even if that means being single again.

Don’t lower your standards, because you haven’t met the right person yet. Are your expectations unrealistically high, or do you think you’ll find someone that will meet them?

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&Read; my book.. It's very helpful. Act like a lady PERIOD on iTunes and Amazon!

beautiful article.

A guy shouldn't treat a girl like a princess unless she treats him like a prince. It has to go both ways. Remember that men may be holding these standards to you, too.

Thank you! This came at a perfect time in my life. Just got up the courage to leave a relationship he and I were both unhappy in. Again, thank you.

In a relationship and just read this. I am happy to say that not a single standard on here has been lowered since we've been together. This is a great list, and something that people should look at to see if they've let things slip and are just settling.

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