7 Super Fun and Frugal Date Ideas ...


7 Super Fun and Frugal Date Ideas ...
7 Super Fun and Frugal Date Ideas ...

If you're like me and love to go on dates with your significant other and are always trying to come up with some fun and frugal date ideas, then keep reading! For some reason, a lot of couples have it in their minds that going on a date means spending a lot of money in order to have fun - not true! Especially if you're on a budget but would still like to have a romantic and memorable time, there are plenty of frugal date ideas that might surprise you. Remember, it's about the time you spend together, not the money!

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1. Grab Coffee and Stay a While

Grab Coffee and Stay a While One of my favorite frugal date ideas is to visit a local Portland coffee shop, preferably one my husband and I haven't tried, and just sit, chat and people watch. It's a date under $10 that involves great conversation and a warm and inviting atmosphere! Don't you you just love the coziness of a quaint coffee shop during the holiday season?

2. Movie Night at Home

Movie Night at Home Most of us these days have Netflix, DVR, or a crazy assortment of movies that we just don't have that much time to indulge in. Well, take a night off together and watch a movie! Whip up some popcorn, pour the wine, and cuddle up next to each other. It's simple, romantic and you don't have to dress up to go out! A win win.

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3. Impromptu Photo Shoot

Impromptu Photo Shoot Photos perfectly capture moments we want to hold on to for years to come. A fun and super cool date idea would be to grab your camera, pick your favorite location and just snap some goofy poses of each other! Take turns "modeling" for the camera and then take some selfies. Better yet, choose a local spot with frequent passers by and have someone else snap a couple fun poses of you as a couple! You can create a photo album as a sweet reminder for years down the road.

4. Take a Bubble Bath

Take a Bubble Bath If you're looking for a steamy and romantic time with your significant other, what better way to cozy up next to him then drawing a fragrant bubble bath? It's relaxing, enjoyable and sure to bring you closer together. Try adding some soothing essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus for a spa-like feel!

5. Cook a Meal Together

Cook a Meal Together Instead of going out to a restaurant and enjoying someone else's cooking, plan a meal that you can make at home and cook it with your spouse or significant other as a fun date experience! Whether you love cooking or hate it, we all have to eat and usually there is one "cook" in any relationship! Joining in on the meal preparations together allows for some quality time and even unexpected silliness.

6. Go Stargazing

Go Stargazing This may be a bit cliché but it is so for a reason! It's super romantic to drive out to a clear area, away from city lights, and just star gaze with the love of your life. Bring along some wine and a cozy blanket and just sit in awe of the beauty of nature. It's also the perfect setting for long, meaningful conversations.

7. Visit a Museum

Visit a Museum Art and natural history museums often times have free visitations or else inexpensive admission fees. This is a wonderful date spot for many reasons! It's a place for learning and experiencing something new; it's a place of beauty and creativity; and it's a place of booming history and culture. It's definitely worth it to check out your local museums!

This list is only scratching the surface of amazing frugal date ideas for you and your significant other! I would love to hear some of your date ideas and recommendations!

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Movie night, cooking together, and spa (bubble) bath - love those cause those happen a bit ☺️ Wish my man could like photos more, we hardly get any and they're such great memories!