11 Telling Signs He Likes You ...


11 Telling Signs He Likes You ...
11 Telling Signs He Likes You ...

Picking up on signs he likes you isn't always easy. In fact, most girls don't pick up on the simplest signs he likes you unless they are super obvious! Well ladies, I'm going to make it really easy for you, I'm going to let you know all of the signs he likes you, that way you'll be able to tell him that you like him too!

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1. Body Language

By far, one of the first signs he likes you is the body language that he uses. Is he constantly touching you? Constantly near you? Is his pose relaxed and open when he's around you? These are all signs he likes you, but you just have to make sure that you are paying attention to all of the little body language signs he gives off!


Body language is one of the most important indicators of whether someone likes you or not. It is important to pay attention to the little signs he gives off when he is around you. Does he make an effort to stay close to you? Is he constantly touching you? Does he smile when he talks to you? Does he make eye contact? These are all signs that he is interested in you.

Another sign to look out for is if he mirrors your body language. If he is copying your movements, it could be a sign that he is trying to show that he is in sync with you. He may also tilt his head to the side when talking to you, which is a sign of interest.

When it comes to body language, it is important to pay attention to the little things. If he is constantly looking at you, it could be a sign that he is attracted to you. If he leans in when he speaks to you, it could be a sign that he is interested in what you are saying.

2. Listen to the Words He's Using

When a guy really likes a girl, he actually thinks about the words he is using – or he fumbles over them. If you notice one or the other, maybe that is one of the signs he likes you! Truthfully girls, you really want to make sure that you pay attention to your crush when he talks to you, you'll be able to notice some of the subtle hints that he might like you!


When a guy likes a girl, he may exhibit certain behaviors that indicate his feelings. One of the most obvious signs is that he will pay attention to the words he uses when talking to her. He may be more careful with his choice of words, or he may even fumble over them in his eagerness to impress her. Girls should pay attention to these signs of his feelings, as they may be subtle but they can still be telling.

Other signs that a guy likes a girl include him making an effort to spend time with her, offering to help her with tasks, and being more physically affectionate than usual. He may also be more eager to please her and more willing to go out of his way for her. He may also be more protective of her, wanting to make sure she is safe and happy.

When a guy likes a girl, he may also be more talkative around her. He may be more eager to share stories and experiences with her, and he may be more open with her about his feelings. He may also be more willing to listen to her and take her opinions into account.

Frequently asked questions

It's all in the little things. If he's relaxed, shares personal stories, and isn't afraid to show his true self, these are great signs. Look out for lots of eye contact and open body language too!

Not always. Comfort can take time to build. However, if he likes you, he'll likely put in the effort to get comfortable. Patience is key!

That's a good sign! It means he trusts you and feels safe being himself. It’s a big step in deepening your relationship.

Absolutely. Every guy is different. For some, it’s being goofy; for others, it might be talking about their feelings. Pay attention to his unique way of showing comfort.

Yes, he can. Comfort doesn’t always translate to romantic interest. It might just mean he sees you as a close friend. Keep an eye out for other romantic signs if you’re unsure.

3. See How He Treats You Compared to Other Girls

Do you notice that your crush treats most girls like one of the guys but he treats you like perfection, like a lady? Well, that is definitely one of the signs he likes you! A guy won't treat a girl like a lady if he doesn't really like her.


If your crush is treating you differently than other girls, it's a good sign that he may like you. He might be more attentive to you, listen more closely to what you have to say, and make an effort to make you feel special. He might also be more likely to offer you compliments or to open up to you about his feelings and thoughts.

He may also be more likely to make physical contact with you, such as holding your hand, brushing your hair out of your face, or giving you a hug. He might also take the time to get to know you better, by asking you questions about yourself and your life.

It's important to remember that not all guys act the same way when they like someone. Some might be more obvious about their feelings, while others may be more subtle. If you're not sure if he likes you, it's worth taking the time to get to know him better.

Pay attention to the way he interacts with other girls, too. If he treats them differently than he treats you, then it's likely that he has feelings for you.

4. Signs of Nervousness

Guys typically have a ton of nerves built up when they are in front of a girl that they like. If the guy is fidgeting constantly, shifting his weight and won't make eye contact, that could be one of the signs he likes you! Just watch out for signs of nervousness ladies, then make sure to calm him down, he'll like you even more for understanding!


When a guy is interested in a girl, his body language will often give away his true feelings. He may be more animated when talking, he may lean in closer, and he may even touch her arm or hand when making a point. He may also try to make her laugh more often, or he may be a bit more flirty than usual.

Another sign that a guy likes a girl is if he starts to pay more attention to his appearance. He may start to dress nicer, or take more time to style his hair. He may also start to take more of an interest in his hygiene, such as showering more often, or using cologne.

If a guy is interested in a girl, he may also start to ask her more questions about her life. He may want to know what she likes to do in her free time, what her hobbies are, or what her favorite books or movies are. He may also try to learn more about her family and friends.

5. Mimicking Signs

It might seem annoying when a guy mimics you, but truthfully, it's actually a sign that he might really like you. Whether it is a small bit of mimicking, such as sitting right next to you at the exact moment you sit, running your hand through your hair or biting your lip. All of these are signs of nervousness and shyness!


Mimicking someone is a sign of admiration and respect. It’s a way of showing that you appreciate their presence and want to be like them. When a guy mimics you, it could be an indication that he likes you. He may be trying to show that he’s interested in you and wants to be closer to you.

It could be something as small as sitting next to you when you sit, or running his hand through his hair, or biting his lip. These are all signs of nervousness and shyness that could be indicative of his feelings towards you.

Another sign that a guy may like you is if he pays attention to the details and remembers things that you have said in conversation. If he remembers the small details that you’ve shared with him, it’s a sign that he’s really listening and taking in what you’re saying.

6. Compliments You

A guy who is really into a girl will typically give them all kinds of compliments. If your crush is constantly telling you how beautiful you are, if could be one of the signs he likes you! Compliment him back ladies, it'll definitely help boost his self esteem!


It's always a great feeling when you realize that someone has a crush on you. But sometimes it can be hard to tell if a guy likes you or if he's just being friendly. Here are 11 signs he likes you that you should look out for.

One of the most obvious signs he likes you is if he compliments you. If he's constantly telling you how beautiful you are or how much he likes your outfit, it's likely that he's into you. Complimenting him back is also a great way to boost his self-esteem and show him that you're interested too.

He may also try to make physical contact with you. If he's always finding ways to touch you, like lightly brushing his hand against yours or putting his arm around you, it's likely that he likes you.

He may also try to spend more time with you. If he's always making an effort to hang out with you, whether it's going to the movies or just going for a walk, it's a sign that he's interested in getting to know you better.

7. He's Comfortable around You

When a guy really likes you, he feels at ease around you most times. Although he might be nervous if you get to close or when dating comes up, it is a sign he likes you if he is super comfortable around you. The question is though, are you super comfortable around him too?


When a guy really likes you, he will often be comfortable around you. This is a great sign that he is interested in you and wants to get to know you better. He may become a bit nervous if you get too close or when dating is brought up, but this is a good sign that he likes you.

He may also show signs of physical attraction, such as smiling, laughing, and maintaining eye contact. He may also try to spend more time with you, or even make an effort to do nice things for you. This could be anything from buying you a small gift to taking you out for dinner.

He may also be more open and talkative around you, wanting to share his thoughts and feelings. This is a sign that he is comfortable enough around you to let his guard down and open up.

Overall, if a guy is comfortable around you, it's a great sign that he likes you and is interested in getting to know you better. It's important to pay attention to his body language and behavior to get a better idea of how he feels about you.

8. Teases You

When you are dealing with a crush and you have no idea if he really likes you or not -- does he tease you? Does he constantly joke around with you and feels comfortable enough that you'll not take him seriously? That's a sign that he likes you!


Teasing someone can be a sign that someone likes you, and it can also be a sign of a strong relationship between two people. Teasing can be a way of showing affection and can be a sign of a strong connection. It can also be a way of flirting and showing someone that you are interested in them.

When someone teases you, it can be a sign that they are comfortable enough around you to joke around and not take things too seriously. It can also be a sign that they are interested in you and are trying to get your attention. Teasing can be a fun way to show someone that you are interested in them and can be a great way to start a conversation.

Teasing someone is a great way to show that you are comfortable around them and that you are interested in them. It can also be a sign of a strong connection between two people, and it can be a great way to start a conversation. So, if you are dealing with a crush and you are not sure if they like you or not, look for signs that they are teasing you. It could be a sign that they are interested in you and are trying to get your attention.

9. Really Listens to You

While guys tend to just 'listen' to you half-heartedly, your crush really wants to understand what makes you tick and really wants to know exactly what you are saying. He really pays attention to you when you are talking and even remembers what you tell him!


Having a crush can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. It can be difficult to tell if your crush is interested in you too! But there are a few tell-tale signs that can help you figure out if your crush likes you back. One of the most obvious signs that your crush likes you is that he really listens to you when you talk. He pays attention to what you are saying and remembers details of your conversations. He is interested in getting to know you better and understanding what makes you tick. He may even ask thoughtful questions about your life to show he is interested in learning more about you. He may also remember things you have mentioned in previous conversations, such as your favorite hobbies or favorite movies. All of these things are signs that your crush is really listening to you and is interested in getting to know you better.

10. Wants to Really Know You

Listening goes hand-in-hand with really wanting to know you! He wants to know your likes, dislikes and everything that you hate and love in the world. He also remembers it when you tell him you hate roses so he brings you orchids -- just because he's that kind of guy.


This sign of liking someone is quite telling. It shows that he has genuine interest in you and is willing to go out of his way to show it. He listens to you, remembers the little details, and takes your preferences into consideration. He is willing to put in the effort to get to know you better and show that he cares.

He may ask you questions about your life, your interests, and your opinions on different matters. He may also ask about your family, your friends, and your goals. He is genuinely curious about who you are and what makes you tick. He may even go out of his way to make you feel special by doing things like buying you gifts or taking you out to dinner.

He may also show his interest by being affectionate with you. He may give you compliments, hold your hand, or give you hugs. He may also make sure to stay in touch with you by sending you text messages, calling you, or sending you emails.

By showing that he really wants to get to know you, he is showing that he cares about you and wants to be a part of your life. This is a sure sign that he likes you and wants to be with you.

11. Touches You Constantly

Finally, how is the touching? Does he play-fight with you or tickle you? Does he try to make you laugh? These are all things that a guy does when he likes a girl!

See ladies? There are tons of different signs he likes you that you can watch out for! You just have to make sure that you are paying attention to the signs he likes you, that way you'll be able to catch them. So ladies, what signs did you boyfriend give off when he was wooing you?


It is important to remember that a guy may not always show his feelings for a girl in an obvious way. He may not be able to express his feelings verbally, but his body language can often tell you a lot about how he really feels. If a guy is constantly touching you, it could be a sign that he likes you. He may play-fight with you or tickle you, or try to make you laugh. He may also touch your arm or back while talking to you, or give you a gentle hug when you're saying goodbye. All of these are signs that he likes you and is interested in getting to know you better.

It is also important to remember that different people show their feelings in different ways. Some guys may be more subtle when it comes to expressing their feelings, while others may be more direct. It is important to take the time to observe the way your guy interacts with you, as that can give you a better idea of how he really feels. Pay attention to the way he looks at you, how he talks to you, and how he behaves around you. All of these can be signs that he likes you and is interested in taking things further.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

About the treating you differently, what if it's the other way around? I'm not positive that I like this guy, or any guy, because I'm basically reading this for information, but I'd like to know. Thanks!

Hi heather, So there's this guy i like and i talk to him all the time we used to hang out all the time and i've sent him notes in class and my friend would later tell me that he would take the notes out later on and read them again. And i thought i saw him looking in my direction but i have no idea if he was just spacing out or not. Anyway, he might of also started wearing cologne idk why i thought maybe it was someone else but i'm sure it's him. Anyway i really really like this guy and all of a sudden he ditched me 2 times and now he's starting to hang out with me again but idk how long that's going go last and he's hugged me before and my friend said he hates hugs and he'll sometimes touch my back or something. I can't tell if he likes me or not and he sometimes makes me laugh. He always holds the door for me and he's very hard to read. Can you help me? We've been friends since this year.

Thanks for responding Heather. Means a lot! I think my main concern is that as much as a want a date from him I do enjoy how slow me and him have been going to get to know one another and taking actual time to do it. But I am so afraid of being rejected by him... Can i ask why you honestly think he does have feelings for me?

Oh and sorry for the mistakes there I'm on my phone and it has autocorrect!!