The Cutest Ways to Flirt Using Emojis for Girls Trying to Win Him over ...

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The Cutest Ways to Flirt Using Emojis for Girls Trying to Win Him over ...

it's World Emoji Day! Do you need to up your dating game with some ways to flirt using emojis? I find flirting in texts so much easier! You have time to think about what you want to say, you can let your guard down, and there's something seemingly innocent about it. If you've ever been confused on just how to do it with emojis, here's a great cheat sheet to teach you how to flirt using emojis! Thanks for the awesome inspo!

1 Cocktail Come-on

yellow, text, product, font, product design,Drinks?

Frequently asked questions

2 Too Shy Shy

Bashfulness. Also: the perfect response to a compliment or to soften your own brazenly suggestive comment.

3 I Have Eyes for You

Akin to a bouquet of red roses, it’s timeless, classic, and also waaaaaaaay too forward for a light flirtation. That said, if you get it, feel free to slide into the DMs.

4 Don't Torment Me

Signals FOMO (fear of missing out); three in a row is a perfect response to a nude or sext if you’re in a different city/state/country or stuck at work

5 I Am in Agreement

Seal of approval. The polite response to a restaurant suggestion or the setup of some casual plans. Basically, “cool” but not “cool!” Use three in a row and it means “thank you!”

6 The Bare Essentuals

All emoji equivalents of nudes. Use with caution or else complete abandon, depending on the desired reaction and receptiveness of the recipient.

7 Um, OK...

Derp. Indicates awkwardness at your last comment, text, or social media behavior. Not a complete deal-breaker but suggests a cooling of enthusiasm.

8 I See You

Basically, “What are you doing?”

9 Thanks but No Thanks

Hi. Um. Not interested. Sorry? Sorry!

10 I Am so Awesome

When you’re particularly pleased with yourself about something, a pat on the back. Especially endearing when used by dudes.

11 Buh-Bye

You are dead to me and I should just ghost and not respond at all but I just have to get this one emoji off my chest.


😵‍💫 The dramatic eyeroll and facepalm combo. It perfectly captures that vibe of ‘I'm so over it, but just know, you've reached new levels of ridiculous.’ It's not the warm fuzzy feels of flirtation anymore. Oh no, darling, this is the queen signing off her displeasure before she exits the stage – and trust me, it's a mic drop moment. So, use it with caution, because it's less of a wink and more of a blink – you're out of sight, out of mind. 🎤✨

12 Friends without Benefits

Let’s be friends!

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