These Brave Women Reveal How Their Partners Hurt Them ...


These Brave Women Reveal How Their Partners Hurt Them ...
These Brave Women Reveal How Their Partners Hurt Them ...

Relationships are really difficult. They are something that can hurt, that can be amazing and that can make or break you. Sometimes, your partner is going to hurt your feelings and if you can't own up to it and tell them? You'll never get it out. Below, I've got some of the deepest, darkest confessions of women who admit that their partner's have hurt their feelings.

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1. He Doesn't Have Time for You

He Doesn't Have Time for You

2. You Feel Invisible

You Feel Invisible

Frequently asked questions

3. He Doesn't Open up

He Doesn't Open up

4. He Doesn't Really Remember Anything

He Doesn't Really Remember Anything

5. The Effort, Way Too One-sided

The Effort, Way Too One-sided

6. Lack of Sex

Lack of Sex

7. The 'okay'...

The 'okay'...

9. He Doesn't Stand up for You

He Doesn't Stand up for You

10. You're Suddenly a Stranger

You're Suddenly a Stranger

11. Just Tell the Truth …

12. He Switches in Front of His Friends

13. He Doesn't do Things for Me … like He Did with His Ex

He Doesn't do Things for Me … like He Did with His Ex

14. 'That's Cute!'

'That's Cute!'

15. The Lack of Listening

16. He's Stressed – You Are Treated like Shit

He's Stressed – You Are Treated like Shit

17. You Aren't Stupid

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This sort of behaviour touched all women at some point.

Sometimes it take packing ur bags and leaving before the boyfriend gets his nonsense together... Not advocating leaving but sometimes get complacent so a girl has to do what a girl has to do !!

Ive Been talking to and dating a guy for the past couple weeks, it was intens and love at first sight (at least for me). I definitely thought i found the right guy for me, and he Even told me himself straight in the eyes that he was starting to get feelings for me. And that by new years i he would win my heart and we would be together. When i Started to confess how i felt about him, he Quickly turned away and left me in the cold. As soon as i said what he wanted to hear, he cut me off from his life, because he did not want anything Else Than to use me physically and emotionally. It surprises me how evil someone can be... When they just completely ignor you, your text messages and calls and leave me out in the cold? Now its nearly new year, and instead of being together with the guy i got feelings for im left with a heartache from his games.

I've had this and worse happen to me in my last relationship.

It's terrible how low a persons self esteem can be. You put up with things you ordinarily wouldn't. I wish I could let everyone see they are worth so much more

My dad does the last one to my mum :(

Cheating really sucks especially if you catch them together. 

no women deserves to ever feel like this...this is truly sad

My husband did them all... I mean every single one of them @ one time

I guess it is depends on someone personality.