7 Things Men Are as Insecure about as You Are ...


Your boyfriend and guy friends may keep quiet about their feelings, but there are plenty of things men are insecure about. Women aren't the only gender who worry about what others think of them. Men can be just as cautious, but they try their best not to let it show. Here are some of the biggest things men are insecure about:

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1. His Hair

We always want our hair to be styled perfectly, and while some men couldn't care less about how spiky their locks are, they're worried about it falling out. Men tend to lose their hair earlier than women do, so your boyfriend might be insecure about his hairline. That's why you shouldn't tease him for always wearing a hat, and trying to cover up his bald spot. Hair is one of the things men are insecure about, so don't poke fun at him.

2. His Weight

It's more socially acceptable for men to be overweight than it is for women, but they still like to look fit. If your boyfriend sees you gawking over Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy, he's going to wish he had a six pack, too. You're not the only one who wishes they had more time to hit the gym. Your boyfriend wants to look good for you, just like you look good for him.

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3. His Overall Attractiveness

If you have a pimple, you get to cover it with foundation. If you don't like how small your eyes look, you can create an illusion with eyeshadow and liner. Men aren't as lucky. Most guys aren't willing to wear make-up, so if he has an issue with his appearance, he's stuck with it.

4. His Facial Hair

We worry about the hair on our legs and arms, but men worry about the hair on their face. There are so many different options for them to choose, and they don't want to make the wrong one. Deciding whether they should go clean-shaven, or grow out their stubble is a hard choice for them.

5. His Height

Most men want to be taller than their girlfriends. If they're short, then they can't do much about it, except wear lifts in their shoes. Otherwise, they're stuck at the height that they were given. Of course, there's nothing wrong with a woman being taller than her man, but his friends might tease him over it.

6. His Intelligence

Everyone wants to feel smart. If they're stuck in a conversation that they don't understand, they're going to become insecure about their level of intelligence. No one wants to feel stupid, so try not to make fun of your man too much when he forgets the names of all the presidents that have lived in the White House.

7. His Financial Situation

Traditionally, men pay for their girlfriend's food when they go out on a date. If he doesn't have enough money to cover your meal, he's going to feel inadequate. He wants to feel like he can take care of his mate, even if she doesn't need his help. So if your boyfriend gets touchy when the subject of money comes up, it's probably because he wishes he could afford everything you ever asked for.

Women aren't the only ones who are embarrassed about certain aspects of themselves. Men try not to show their weak spots, but they can be just as insecure as we are. Does your boyfriend let you in on his insecurities, or does he act like he's the most confident man around?

Feedback Junction

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I would Defo agree with the money side.

Honestly I kind of think it's cute when they want to be a certain way for you. I hate they get insecure about it though. I just think it's kind of cute how they try and impress us like we try and impress them. And a lot of time girls think guys have it easy. But growing up with 2 brothers shows they are actually a lot like us.

ya the money is true, and intelligence not so sure about the weight it's more about their strength and muscles

Men also worry about their performance in bed.. I'm sure they do.

They can also need to be mr know it alls.. And then came google lol x

Agree with pimple, hair and weight.

height .... they want to be taller than their lady

Money and intelligence is a sore point for some men

I would have to say atleast most of these are true cause I live with four guys so ua

Ego n the gal being more proff successful than him