Self-Respecting Women Will Never Deal with THESE ...

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Self-Respecting Women Will Never Deal with THESE ...

It doesn't matter how old you are, what gender you are, or how much money you have--you're a valuable person. That's why you should stop putting up with people who treat you like trash. If someone crosses the line, you have the right to talk back to them or to cut them out of your life. Here are a few things that no self-respecting woman should put up with:

1 Being Used for Sex

You aren't a sex object, so don't let yourself be treated as one. Never let a man use you for sex (unless you're using him for the same thing). Never let a man pressure you into having sex, either. Any time that someone treats you as if you're only useful for that one thing, put them in their place. You're so much more than your beautiful body and pretty face.

Frequently asked questions

2 Physical Violence

If your boyfriend, a family member, or a friend hits you, then you have a right to call the police. If you don't want to do something that drastic, then you should at least cut them out of your life. If they hurt you once, they'll hurt you again, no matter how many times they apologize. Do yourself a favor and choose to protect yourself.

3 Getting Forced into a Certain Lifestyle

Once you turn 18, you can't let your parents control your life anymore. You can't let a man control your life, either. If they want you to major in a certain area, land a certain job, or marry a certain person, only do it if you agree with the idea. If you're opposed to it, then speak your mind. They can't force you to do something that you don't want to do.

4 Society’s Pressure to Look a Certain Way

You're allowed to dress in whatever way you want (unless you're at a school or a job with a dress code). If you want to walk around half-naked, then be proud of your body. If you want to cover yourself from head to toe and go makeup-free, go for it. You don't have to listen to everything you read in fashion magazines.

5 Being Treated as Inferior

Every gender should be treated equally. If your boss tells you not to carry something heavy because you're a woman, or if your boyfriend tells you that you can't handle fixing the sink, show them that you're capable of taking care of yourself. If anyone puts you down for your gender, then it's up to you to prove them wrong.

6 Getting Cheated on

Unless you're a part of an extremely rare case, you shouldn't take back a man who cheated on you. If he was comfortable enough to kiss another woman after pledging his loyalty to you, you should tell him to hit the road. There are plenty of other men out there that would be lucky to have you and only you.

7 Doing Everything Herself

It doesn't matter if you're living with your boyfriend or with a roommate, because you shouldn't be the only one taking care of the house. If the person you live with never lifts a hand to do the dishes or pick up their mess, then you need to sit them down and talk to them.

You're a valuable person, so you shouldn't let others treat you like you're worthless. If they do, then they have no business being in your life. What other things would you encourage women to stop putting up with?

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