10 Things That Are Supposed to Happen on a Date ...


You only get one shot to make a first impression so here are 10 things that are actually supposed to happen on a date. Remember, you don’t get a second chance. You have to be impressionable from the start. So, next time you go out with a man you think might be a keeper, refer to this list of things that are supposed to happen on a date.

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1. Let the Man Be the Man

Men should take charge. They’re the ones who are supposed to make the plan. It’s their job to arrange all of the details for each date. They’re the man. Let them act like one. The man planning is one of the things that are supposed to happen on a date.

2. Have Dinner

Have Dinner If you didn’t meet him online, you should encourage a dinner date. Drinks is an audition, dinner is a real date. When you have dinner with someone, it’s easier to get to know him over a meal. You can see his manners and spend more quality time together.

Frequently asked questions

3. Drink….in Moderation

Drink….in Moderation I don’t believe that drinking on a date is a bad thing. Some people need a drink or two to help them feel more relaxed. If that’s your thing, make sure you know your limit so you can enjoy the date. However, drinking in moderation is key. Getting sloppy isn’t sexy.

4. Be Stimulating

Men like women who can teach them something. They want to date someone who’s intellectually curious. On a date, you should be having conversations that are unique. Anyone can talk about their job and their friends. If you’re stimulating, you’ll be hard to forget.

5. Smile

Smile Smile. It’s that simple. Men are drawn to women who have a fabulous smile. Flash your pearly whites as often as you can. Keep in mind that men respond well to positivity.

6. Q&a

Asking questions seems like an obvious thing of what you’re supposed to do on a date. Right? I would think so! If you seem curious about the man sitting across from you, he’ll be eager to tell you all about him. There’s a difference between asking questions and making someone feel like they’re on an interview. Ask him questions but don’t make him feel like he’s being grilled.

7. Listen Carefully

Being a good listener is just as important as being a great conversationalist. Listening is a skill. When you ask him questions, listen to his answers. Don’t interrupt him.

8. Confidence is Key

Confidence is Key Men want a woman who exudes confidence. Believe it or not, confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear. A fully clothed confident woman is equally as sexy as a naked woman! When you’re self-assured and love yourself, people will want to be around you.

9. Let Him Pay

In the beginning, the first few dates are his treat. Don’t offer to pay half, and don’t do the fake reach. Men can see right through that. After dinner, don’t forget to be polite and thank him for a yummy meal.

10. It’s His Move

It’s His Move You see the pattern here. He’s the man. He plans the date, pays on the date, and of course, he makes the move. Men are simple; if they want to kiss you, they will.

Dating is all about getting to know someone and creating a good impression. Do you have anything to add to the list of things that are supposed to happen on a first date?

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I don't think that there's anything wrong with offering to pay, or splitting the bill once in a while.

I think don't believe we are setting ourselves back by allowing a man to pay for the first of not several dates. I am more than capable of taking care of myself and for the most part the type of men that I choose to date know this. I do think it's we assert our power as the female in the relationship by holding off and letting him do his thing. Men should work for our time and affection. Planning activites for the first few dates is a means in which he proves he is worth my time and that he values opportunities to spend time with me.

Lol guys chill, I think the article is good. She's only referring to the first dates, not the whole relationship. A guy should be trying to impress you on a first date, if he asks you to pay he's showing he doesn't care what he thinks about u, ie. he's not interested

I am confused! I thought we liked a man from whom we can learn, because, you know, like basically, when it comes to complicated stuff, well, I certainly don't know anything about the Middle East, or why being strong up the middle is important in baseball, or how many hours there are in a day! HE should explain it to me. And then like, he calls me up for a date, he says let's get something to eat, and I say, like fine, you pick the place, I'm chill. And so we go to this Thai place, and like, um, I don't know nothing about this food, so I'm like asking him all kinds of questions about what to order, and what stuff tastes like, and like he's really into explaining it all. And we have, you know, like a really good time, he takes the check and hey, I'm down with that, it's his date, he should pay, but I ask him about the tip, you know, because I hate guys who are cheap tippers, I tell him leave 20%, and he's like, why should I do that, and I say, because, like, you know, what is it a couple of dollars more, and it's just nice, and the waitress was really nice; so he leaves a bigger tip,and I give him my best, like, smile of approval. So he's gonna drop me off, and like he's waiting for me to ask him in, and I don't do that on the first date, and he goes to kiss me, and I turn to face him, like, and he kisses me on the lips, and I like let him have a taste, then turn and open the car door, and like I say to him, hey, call me OK...

Except reaching for our wallet isn't being fake lol, we really do intend to split the bill. Expecting men to pay for your meal is rude. Sure if he's a gentleman he'll offer and that's a nice gesture but don't expect it, come on.

jennapher, i've read three different articles you happen to have commented on and you're incredibly annoying.