7 Things That Make Your Guy Feel like You Don't Trust Him ...


Sometimes you can give your guy the vibe that you don’t trust him even if you don’t mean to. This isn’t a signal you want to put out there. Thankfully, there are things you can do to change this. Showing trust is always the best choice for your relationship.

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1. Trust Has Been an Issue in the past

One thing that can make your guy feel like you don’t trust him is if there’s been issues over trust in the past between the two of you. Maybe he lied to you or gave you reason to be suspicious. That’s really tough to deal with. But if you’re going to stay in the relationship, you’ve got to work on moving past the past. Remind yourself that as time passes you both learn important lessons from things that happen.

2. You Feel Jealous

If you feel jealous, then your guy can probably sense that, even if you don’t say anything. Jealousy is a normal emotion that everyone feels from time to time. The trick is to not let it take over your thoughts. More than likely you’re with a good guy and there’s no reason to feel jealous, so remind yourself of that fact. If he’s not faithful to you, then you do have an issue but you can solve it by finding someone who will be.


Jealousy, while common, can create an atmosphere of mistrust. Reflect, instead, on the strength of your relationship and focus on its positives. Try to communicate openly with your partner if insecurities arise—it often helps to talk things out. Keep in mind, a relationship thrives on mutual trust, respect, and understanding. So, acknowledge your feelings but don't let them cloud the fact that trust is a two-way street. Nurture your confidence, both in yourself and in your relationship, to prevent these pangs of jealousy from creating unwarranted tension.

Frequently asked questions

He might be picking up on certain behaviors or things you say that make him feel you're doubtful of him. It could be small things like always needing to know where he is or questioning his decisions.

Guys often feel hurt and frustrated when they think you don't trust them. It can make them feel like they're constantly being scrutinized and their every move is being doubted.

It's important to figure out why you don't trust him. Are these feelings based on past experiences or something specific he's done? Talking openly with him about your concerns can help rebuild trust.

Show him trust through your actions. Give him the benefit of the doubt, avoid excessive questioning, and let him know you believe in him. Consistently doing these things will help him feel more trusted.

Absolutely, lack of trust can create a lot of stress and tension in a relationship. It can lead to arguments, create distance, and even cause long-term damage if not addressed.

3. You’re Always Asking Him about the Girl Next Door

Our guys are going to encounter women in life. It may be a classmate, a coworker or the girl next door. And it’s almost always nothing to worry over so don’t waste time thinking on it. Unless he’s showing an interest in the girl, focus your thoughts on more important things, like where you want to go for your next date. Remember, confidence in yourself is sexy.


If you're frequently questioning him about his interactions with the woman who lives nearby, it might trigger feelings of mistrust. It's natural for people to communicate with those around them, and these conversations are generally innocent in nature. Rather than fixating on a harmless neighborly chat, channel that energy into building up the trust and bond within your relationship. Trust is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and demonstrating that you have faith in your partner's loyalty will only make your connection stronger and more resilient.

4. You Question Him when He’s Late

You know, it’s normal to ask your guy questions when he’s late. The issue comes in if you don’t accept his explanation. That can give him the feeling that you don’t trust him. Unless he has a history of lying to you, accept his explanation. If he isn’t honest with you, then that’s a separate issue you need to deal with.


When he arrives home after the expected time, a casual "how was your evening?" can suffice. But grilling him with a multitude of questions or having him recount his every step can make the situation tense. Trust builds over time, so if there's no solid reason to doubt him, let the small delays slide. Remember, consistent distrust can push him away and damage the fabric of your relationship. It's all about balance – being caring and interested without coming across as controlling or distrusting.

5. You’ve Hinted at Your Feelings

If you’ve hinted at your feelings of jealousy or insecurity before then he probably feels you don’t trust him. It’s best to deal with your feelings within yourself if you can. If you know there’s no real reason for your feelings then make it a goal to overcome them without involving him. That’s the best choice for your relationship. Everyone has some inner feelings they need to work through from time to time.

6. He’s Overheard You Talking to Your Girlfriends

Girls, a general piece of advice here. Never let your man hear you talk about him. If you male bash, make sure he’s out of earshot. If your guy’s heard you say some things about not trusting him to your gal pals, he’s definitely going to get the message you don’t trust him. The remedy for this is to tell him you no longer feel that way.

7. A Guilty Conscience

Lastly, something that can make your guy feel like you don’t trust him is his own guilty conscience. This is the rarest instance and not the situation in most cases. Most people are in relationships where this is not the issue. But it’s a possibility. If you’re in a relationship where your partner isn’t faithful, then consider getting out. You deserve someone who’s faithful and true to you.

These are 7 reasons your guy may feel you don’t trust him. Have you encountered this issue in your relationship? How did you deal with it?

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Along with number 6, what if he were to hear you talking to your girls about him? Maybe the way it drives you wild when he holds your hand firmly? (Or whatever drives you wild)