Do These Things Instead of Being Sad about a Breakup ...

By EmMa

Do These Things Instead of Being Sad about a Breakup ...

Ending a relationship is something we've all been through and you're naturally feeling a little bit down right now. Instead of dwelling on those bad feelings, it's time to find some things to do instead of being sad about a breakup. They'll help you feel better as you recover and move on. No one likes to be sad all the time so try adding things to make you happy to your routine and you'll be feeling better in no time at all.

1 Hug a Dog

If you don't have a dog of your own, borrow one from a friend. There's just something about the unconditional love of a pet that makes it really hard to stay sad. Hugging cats also works if you prefer.

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2 Get a Haircut

You're making a fresh start on the relationship front, so a new haircut seems to be in order. Lose the dead split ends and freshen up your look. When you're ready to get back out there, you'll be looking good.

3 Laugh with Friends

Both laughter and friends can heal a broken heart so make a date with your besties. Watch a comedy together or reminisce about the good times that always make you smile.

4 Take a Nap

If there was ever a time to indulge in a nap, a breakup would be it. If you're overwhelmed by sadness, lie down and sleep it off. You'll wake up refreshed and ready to move on.

5 Do Something Artistic

This requires concentration, which is distracting, but it's also fun to make something. Try coloring, painting, sewing or pottery. Whatever you love, crafting is a great way to focus on something other than your breakup.

6 Binge Watch Your Favorite Shows

One of the best ways to step away from your own breakup drama is to watch something on TV that is even more dramatic or engrossing. Lose yourself in your favorite program and you'll be surprised at how long you can go without thinking about your sad breakup.

7 Go Hiking

Hiking requires a bit of concentration so you can distract your heart from sadness, but being out in nature is also a natural mood booster. The hike doesn't have to be hard - just by being outside, you're bound to feel that sadness start lifting.

8 Bake or Cook Something

You'll find that good food can cure a lot of problems, breakups included. Bake your favorite cookies or make a batch of comforting chili and enjoy the happy feeling you feel when you eat it.

9 Help Someone else

When you do something nice for someone else, you get a big dose of feel good endorphins so a breakup is a great time to do a good turn. Drop off clothes at the thrift store donation center, read to a child or donate some food to the closest food pantry. You'll feel good in the best way!

10 Get a Tattoo

If you want something permanent to prove you're moving on, a small tattoo is a great choice. If you've been wanting to get inked for a while, now is the time to gather your courage and get it done. You'll feel happy and that's the opposite of sad, so go for it!

11 Organize Your House

There's something so therapeutic about decluttering and cleaning your space. The energy it takes to get the job done will distract you from feeling sad and the feeling of accomplishment when you're done is an easy way to boost your mood.

12 Head to the Yoga Studio

Yoga forces you to focus on your breathing, something that can center you and calm you down when you're upset about your breakup. Plus, you get the added bonus of burning some calories and working your muscles, which is a natural mood booster.

13 Take a Trip

Getting away from home is a good way to lift those sad feelings and focus on something new and different. You can do this by yourself or with some friends. Either way, you can't be sad on vacation, right?

What do you do after a breakup?

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