17 Things Women do That Appears Clingy to Men ...


17 Things Women do That Appears Clingy to Men ...
17 Things Women do That Appears Clingy to Men ...

Women get clingy sometimes. More often, we're not even clingy, we just do things that come off as clingy. I do it. Lyndsie does it. I bet a lot of you do it, too. It's not that we're possessive or insecure or anything like that, and you should always feel free to talk to your partner about your feelings. Discuss any insecurities you have in the relationship, talk about the things you need to make you feel comfortable, and don't worry if you do any of the things that women sometimes do that can make them seem clingy. Be aware of them, sure, and tone them down if you have to, but don't feel bad.

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1. Texting All of the Time

Texting All of the Time Women aren't the only ones who do this, of course, and not all women do. But sometimes some of us text a lot. It's mostly because we just like to be informed. We want to chat, we want to know what you're up to, we want to vent about our day, and yeah, maybe we'd like to know what's going on.

2. Showing up Wherever He is

Showing up Wherever He is Now, okay, I can see how this comes off as clingy. And maybe a little weird, too.

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3. Over-analyzing Everything

Over-analyzing Everything What? It happens. We just like to think about every possible aim and outcome, that's all.

4. Being Passive Aggressive

Being Passive Aggressive I am the queen of passive aggression! I can't help it! Can you?

5. Calling All the Time

Calling All the Time Recall #1. We might just need to talk, you know? Or, yeah, we might be checking up. That's possible, too.

6. Oversharing on Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter – Everything!

Oversharing on Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter – Everything! Okay, some people overshare because that's just who they are. Some people do it to claim their territory. Are you an oversharer? Why do you do it?

7. Not Taking the Hints He Wants to Be Alone

Not Taking the Hints He Wants to Be Alone It's okay to let your partner be sometimes. Just because they want to be alone, it doesn't mean they want to break up. They just need some alone time. Take some for yourself, too!

8. You Keep Him Talking for Hours – and He's Limited on Time

You Keep Him Talking for Hours – and He's Limited on Time I'm not gonna lie, you might want to stop this. Lyndsie still does this to me sometimes and it's pretty frustrating – not because your partner doesn't want to talk to you, but because they can't do it right this second.

9. Your Life is His Life – You Don't Have One of Your Own!

Your Life is His Life – You Don't Have One of Your Own! Not good! Never lose your autonomy just because you're in a relationship. You'll miss living your own life sooner rather than later.

10. You Try to Keep Him from His Friends

You Try to Keep Him from His Friends Not cool, either! Every person needs their own friends, even if you don't necessarily like your partner's buddies.

11. You Play the Damsel a Lot

You Play the Damsel a Lot Hey, you're a strong, fierce, independent woman. You don't need to play the damsel in distress. You're not in distress! You're a queen!

12. You Are so Insecure about Everything

You Are so Insecure about Everything Insecurity can play a part when someone acts clingy. Is that you? Don't feel that way. You might need to think about why you don't feel secure in your relationship or with your partner.

13. You Make Yourself Available All of the Time

You Make Yourself Available All of the Time You might not want to play games, but it never hurts to be unavailable sometimes. You don't want your partner to start taking it for granted that you're always there no matter what.

14. You're Very Suspicious

You're Very Suspicious See, you're going to need to think about this, too. Why are you so suspicious? Do you have a feeling, an instinct, a reason?

15. You Move Way Too Fast

You Move Way Too Fast Some people do just move fast because when they know, they know. Other people move fast because they're afraid of taking it slow. Which is it?

16. You Agree with Everything They Say

You Agree with Everything They Say Are you really agreeing, or are you agreeing because you think it'll please your partner? What are your real opinions?

17. You Sync Your Schedule with His

You Sync Your Schedule with His And this, see, this can be nice or it can be clingy. On its own, it's fine – it's understandable that you want to spend time with your partner. Mixed in with other signs and actions, though, and yeah, it might be a little clingy.

What do you think? Are you clingy or do you just do a few clingy things?

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Who else is guilty of double snapchatting?!

I'm clingy but not in that way yanno?

Clingy more like possessive!!!

I feel like I'm clingy too... With this guy and I suspect him all the time

I'm guilty of calling a lot,I can't help it! When I'm in love I wanna be with him 24/7 or I begin to miss him too much lol I just wanna hear his voice and text messages not cut it

Who is the girl at the 13 gif?

But the question is. How clingy, Is too clingy?

@rosemajeed that's Jessica Lowndes, she plays in 90210.