17 Things Your BF Should do without Being Asked ...

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17 Things Your BF Should do without Being Asked ...

If you're with the right person, you won't feel the need to complain about him on a daily basis. In fact, you'll actually brag about him. If he's a good match for you, here are a few things that he probably does without even being asked:

1 Does the Dishes

If the dishes are piled up in the sink, he shouldn't toss in another plate. He should take the time to grab some soap and water and clean up the mess himself.

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2 Makes You Orgasm

He shouldn't be the only one having a fun time in bed. It should be his mission to give you as much pleasure as he's getting.

3 Deletes His Ex’s Numbers

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's a bad idea to remain in contact with exes. That's why he should delete his ex's numbers and delete his Tinder out of respect for you.

4 Makes You Dinner

Once in a while, he should whip up a meal for you. If you've had a long day, there's no reason why you should be the one stuck cooking.

5 Buys Gifts for Your Family

When your mother's birthday rolls around, he should buy a gift for her. After all, she's family, too.

6 Makes Plans for Your Anniversary

He shouldn't forget all about your anniversary. He should buy you gifts and have a special date planned out for the two of you.

7 Tells You He Loves You

It shouldn't be hard for him to express his emotions to you. He should tell you how much he cares as often as he can.

8 Comforts You

When you're upset, your boyfriend should be there to cheer you up. He should do whatever it takes to make you smile again.

9 Compliments Your Outfit

You shouldn't have to fish for compliments. He should tell you how beautiful you are as frequently as possible.

10 Likes Your Selfies

It's his duty to like your selfies. After all, he'll think you're beautiful in every picture.

11 Texts You Back

It's not hard to send a text message. If you write to him, he should write back without too much of a delay.

12 Apologizes

If you two get into a fight, you shouldn't have to beg for an apology. He should be ready and willing to say he's sorry.

13 Invites Your Friends along

If he throws a party, he shouldn't forget to invite your friends to come. Your friends should be his friends, too.

14 Shows Respect

You shouldn't have to convince him to treat you right. He should treat you like an equal from the start.

15 Lets You Watch Your Shows

He shouldn't complain every single time you turn on your favorite reality show. If he knows how much it means to you, he'll let you watch it without saying a word.

16 Walks You to Your Car

Your safety should be his main concern. That's why he should walk you to your car, or at least text you to make sure you got home safe.

17 Makes You Happy

He should try his hardest to make you happy. After all, your happiness is his happiness.

A good boyfriend will know how to treat you right. Does your boyfriend do any or all of these things without you asking him to?

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