7 Things Your Boyfriend Should Never Make You do for Him ...


No matter how much you love your partner, there are things your boyfriend should never make you do. He's not in charge of you, so he shouldn't be barking orders at you. Even though you're in a relationship, you're still your own person and are in charge of your own actions. Here are a few big things your boyfriend should never make you do if you don't want to:

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1. End Friendships

It's understandable for him to be uncomfortable with you texting your ex every single night, but he should be okay with you having friends that you hang out with when he's not around. He doesn't have power over you, unless you let him have it. Telling your friends that you can't hang out with them anymore, even when you're dying to see them, is one of the things your boyfriend should never make you do. He can express how he feels about them, but whether you spend time with them is not his call.

2. Lose Weight

If you're itching to get fit, then it's great for your man to encourage you. However, if he's the one to mention that the number on your scale is a little too high, don't throw on your sneakers just for him. Ask yourself if you're working out for your own health and to feel better about yourself, or if you're only doing it for him. If it's the latter, reconsider your actions.

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3. Change Your Beliefs

If your man wants you to switch religions for him, or switch up your morals, don't let him. You can always consider it, because you never know when he'll make a good point, but you shouldn't do what he asks without thinking about your own feelings on the subject. You have control of your own life.

4. Have Children or Get Married

You might love your partner with all your heart, but aren't the type of person who wants to get married and have kids. Or maybe you are, but you want to wait a few years. If you're not ready for a huge commitment, don't let him talk you into it. It'll only end badly for the both of you.

5. Cook and Clean

It's nice to divide the chores so that you're both helping out. If he's always leaving his dirty dishes in the sink and his smelly clothes in your hamper, don't feel like you have to do his work for him. It's sweet to help him out, but if he's doing nothing in return, he doesn't deserve the favor.

6. Give up Your Dreams

You can't give up your dreams in order to stay with a man, even if you think he's the love of your life. You can either work something out or break up with him. You shouldn't put a relationship ahead of your overall happiness.

7. Stay with Him

You have to do what makes you happiest. If you aren't happy in your relationship, then you have to end it. No matter what he tries to do to convince you, you have to remember that your needs are more important than his. You can't stay with him forever and be unhappy, just to keep him content.

No matter how long you've been with your partner, he doesn't have control over you. You're in charge of your own decisions, not him. Has a man ever tried to get you to change for him?

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Wtf. Anything sexual should never be forced

Rubbish talk

Michelle Duggar should read this article

Agreed! ⬇️

I think it's so so important for women everywhere to know this. If he really, truly likes/loves you, he won't force you into anything! Just a side note: sex won't make him love you and a baby won't make him stay

Yep agree agree agree

I agee with all that. Especially the weight part. I dated a guy who told me I needed to lose weight I was very hurt by what he said but I did it. I lost 50lbs. and when I was done more guys started to notice me so I dumped him and started seeing someone else.. should have accepted me for who I was thats what happens when u try to change someone.


I agree with everything that is said here except for one very important thing. I take serious issue with "remember that your needs are more important than his". This is just wrong, plain and simple. It is unfair to both of you to stay in a relationship that makes you unhappy, but your needs are most certainly NOT more important than his. He is human and important and has needs too, even if he is a douche. One of the fundamental things about being in a relationship is taking the time to consider how what you do affects the other person IN ADDITION to yourself - not in favor of, or instead of yourself, but in addition - because they are just as important as you are. I also take minor issue with the one about cooking and chores, only because I've known some people who whined that their husband didn't do his part around the house, or who refuse to cook, despite that they were stay-at-home-moms without jobs (some even without kids, too) and the husband worked full time plus. A full day at work IS doing his part, and while it certainly doesn't mean he should be leaving dirty clothes on the dining table or being too lazy to refill a TP roll, when a man comes home from a long day of work, and the woman's been at home all day, he can throw his dishes in the sink if he wants to. And yard maintenance and stereotypically "guy" type work like that which happens to be outside the building of the house counts, too. Not that it should be a running tally at all times, but people generally know what's fair and have a reasonable idea of approx. what can be considered balanced unless they're completely lazy. BTW, my issue with "remember that your needs are more important than his" obviously does not apply to situations involving real abuse (not just a grouchy day where he's a little testy or stand-offish). Anything involving abuse isn't a real relationship and you should get out stat, regardless of what he says he thinks or feels. And no, the kids are not an excuse to stay with him. If anything, kids are even more reason to get away, because both parents should firmly believe "the kids' needs are more important than mine", and it is paramount that kids not grow up experiencing or witnessing abusive behavior. If you are being abused, living in poverty from a shelter for a while until you get back on your feet and working your butt off as a single mom is far better than yourself or your kids enduring abuse.