This Test Will Tell You if You're in an Unhealthy Relationship ...


This Test Will Tell You if You're in an Unhealthy Relationship ...
This Test Will Tell You if You're in an Unhealthy Relationship ...

You need to examine your actions and your boyfriend's actions to figure out if you're in an unhealthy relationship. Try this test: Next time you fight, take a look at how you're both behaving. According to Your Tango, these things prove that your relationship is toxic:

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1. One of You Would Rather Move to Siberia than Actually Say, “I’m Sorry.”

One of You Would Rather Move to Siberia than Actually Say, “I’m Sorry.” If you won't apologize to each other, how are you going to move on after a fight?

2. You’re More about Voicing Your Frustrations with Each Other and Your General Status Quo than Talking about What Either of You Does Right

You’re More about Voicing Your Frustrations with Each Other and Your General Status Quo than Talking about What Either of You Does Right If you insult each other more than you compliment each other, then why are you even together?

Frequently asked questions

3. One Person Completely Ices the Other out after a Fight

One Person Completely Ices the Other out after a Fight You can't give him the cold shoulder after an argument and expect the problem to go away.

4. You’re Never Exactly Sure Whether They’ll Stick to Their Promises or if It’s All Lip Service

You’re Never Exactly Sure Whether They’ll Stick to Their Promises or if It’s All Lip Service If you think every word out of his mouth is a lie, you don't trust him enough to spend the rest of your life with him.

5. A Minor Difference of Opinion Often Turns into a Sprawling Argument

A Minor Difference of Opinion Often Turns into a Sprawling Argument Do you argue whenever he insults a show you like? You shouldn't be fighting over super small things like that.

6. You Two Are the Human Embodiment of Velcro and Can’t Stand Being Apart

You Two Are the Human Embodiment of Velcro and Can’t Stand Being Apart It's unhealthy to spend too much time together. You need your space.

7. You Find Yourself Hiding Seemingly Innocuous Things from Them, like That You Were Talking to a Friend They’re Not a Huge Fan of

You Find Yourself Hiding Seemingly Innocuous Things from Them, like That You Were Talking to a Friend They’re Not a Huge Fan of If you're hiding anything from your partner, no matter how small, it's a bad sign.

Do you think your relationship is unhealthy?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My boyfriend and I spend a lot of time together but that was the only one so hopefully we're not too bad! He's just like my best friend too so I love being with him

I hope not ..

Yes. To most.

All the best Kylee ..

I agree to all above.relationship is a hard work .

Good post