13 Fab Ways to Have a Kick Ass Make-out Session with Your Man ...


13 Fab Ways to Have a Kick Ass Make-out Session with Your Man ...
13 Fab Ways to Have a Kick Ass Make-out Session with Your Man ...

Whether you are an experienced kisser or just starting out these are 13 sure fire tips for a great make out session! Every one of these I have used on a guy and always got back a great response. Kissing is a fun and adventurous act and it's sometimes hard to figure out how to click with a new guy. These tips will help you feel confident, sexy, and in charge. Don't be afraid to use all of them or just one, but either way you will blow his mind.

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1. Straddle Him

human action,person,human positions,sleep,bedtime, First tip for a great make out session is to get in the best position; the straddle. Whether you're on a couch, in a car, or on a bed, hop on and straddle that boy. That sexy, take charge, female energy you're putting out there will let him know you're ready for some fun. It will also let him know that you aren't nervous or fearful, which makes him feel comfortable too. Body language is big when it comes to making out. If you come off nervous and in your shell, the guy isn't going to know what to do, but if you take charge he will know how you feel and that helps alleviate the pressure on his part. If you aren't sure how to get into a straddle position just push your guy back with your hands and lean over. He'll more then likely grab you to help you onto him. From there on do your thing and follow the rest of these tips to help you wow your man!


A great make-out session requires the perfect combination of chemistry and technique. To start off on the right foot, try straddling your man. This position not only conveys a sense of take charge female energy, but also shows that you aren’t afraid or nervous. Body language is an important aspect of making out, and by taking the initiative to get into a straddle position, you’re sending a clear message that you want to get down to business.

Once you’re in position, keep things interesting by trying out different techniques. Start off slow and gentle, and then gradually increase the intensity. Play with different levels of pressure, and alternate between firm and soft kisses. Keep your movements smooth and controlled, and don’t forget to use your hands to caress his body.

In addition to the physical aspects of making out, it’s important to pay attention to the psychological aspects as well. Make sure to maintain eye contact and keep the conversation flowing. Use your words to let him know what you like and don’t like, and don’t be afraid to express yourself.

2. Play with His Hair

hair,person,clothing,image,girl, Men love to have their hair touched and played with. They want you to pull it, wrap your fingers in it, gently run your fingers through it, and do just about anything that includes having your hands in their hair. A man's head is one of the most sensitive spots on their body. When playing with his hair you can literally send shivers down his spine setting off trigger points all over his body. When you first kiss, before getting hot and heavy, look him in his eyes, sweep your fingers along his hair to the side of his face and lean in and kiss him. Even if that is all you do, it will be enough, trust me. In the back of your mind remember to keep playing with his hair when wanting a good tip for a make out session.


Playing with a man’s hair is a great way to have a kick-ass make-out session. Men love to have their hair touched and played with, and the sensation of having their hair pulled, wrapped around your fingers, or gently run through can send shivers down his spine. This can trigger points all over his body, making it even more pleasurable. When you first kiss, you can look him in the eyes, sweep your fingers along his hair to the side of his face and lean in and kiss him. This is a great way to start off a passionate make-out session.

Playing with a man’s hair during a make-out session is a great way to add an extra dimension of pleasure. It can make the session more enjoyable for both of you. It can also help to heighten the sexual tension between you two, as the sensation of having your hair touched can be intensely pleasurable. You can also use your hands to caress his face, neck and shoulders, or to move your hands through his hair. This will help to create a more intimate atmosphere and make the make-out session even more enjoyable.

Frequently asked questions

Focus on building intimacy by being present in the moment, experimenting with different types of kisses, and using your hands to explore and caress. Don't forget to communicate with your partner to find out what they enjoy.

Talk to your man openly about his preferences or pay attention to his responses during the make-out session. If he seems to enjoy a particular move or kiss, odds are that's something he likes.

To spice up kissing, vary the pressure and speed of your kisses, gently bite or suck on your partner's lip, or kiss other areas like the neck or earlobes. Changing the setting or adding a sensual element like candlelight or soft music can also make it more exciting.

Absolutely! Guiding your man by moving his hands or showing him what you like can improve your experience. It's about mutual enjoyment, so giving hints is beneficial.

There's no set time for a make-out session; it should last as long as both partners are comfortable and enjoying themselves. It could be a few minutes or much longer, depending on the mood and desire.

3. Caress His Neck

sun tanning,clothing,muscle,leg,swimwear, This is a move I have used since the first time I ever kissed a boy. Men love to have the back of their necks scratched, caressed, pulled on, and everything possible you can imagine. One time during a make out session with a boy, we stopped kissing and he just laid his head in me as I gently moved my fingers around on the back of his neck. He said it was one of the best feelings he had ever experienced. Ladies, this is a man's money spot. Win him over here and you are golden. Doing these moves go hand in hand with kissing him; there is a harmony and a rhythm as they sync together. Use this tip for a make out session he won't forget.


This article provides tips for women on how to have a great make-out session with their partner. One of the tips is to caress his neck, as men love to have their necks touched and played with. This move has been proven to be effective and can enhance the overall experience for both partners. It is also mentioned that this tip works well in conjunction with kissing, creating a harmonious and enjoyable rhythm. This technique has been known to be a "money spot" for men, meaning it can easily win them over and make the make-out session unforgettable.

4. Whisper in His Ear

swimming pool,vacation,interaction, This is where sexy, dirty talk comes in. A lot of girls find this really awkward and uncomfortable, but I'm going to tell you how to keep it simple, sexy, and unforced. As you're making out with your man, lean in to kiss his neck and ears. Then start biting his neck, and as you move to his earlobe softly whisper in his ear, "I want you." That is all you need to do and he will go wild! Go back to passionately making out with him, and you will leave him like silly putty in your hands.


This text is part of a larger article that provides readers with 13 different tips for having a great make-out session with their man. This particular tip encourages readers to use sexy and dirty talk to make their make-out session even more exciting. It suggests that while making out, the reader should lean in to kiss their man's neck and ears and then whisper in his ear, "I want you." This simple phrase is sure to make their man go wild and will leave them feeling like they have control over the situation. The article provides a helpful image to go along with the tip, showing a couple in a swimming pool, enjoying a vacation and interacting with each other.

5. Keep Your Hands Moving

Adidas,clothing,arm,leg,footwear, It's great to hold the back of his neck and sides of his face when kissing, but don't be afraid to move around below the neck. This is a great tip for a make out session because you get to touch more sensitive spots on his body. Try keeping one hand on his shoulder and another gliding up and down his arm. Another spot where you can go is up the back of his shirt. Use all different types of pressure from a gentle, barely there finger grace to digging your nails into him. The different pressures will turn him on and make his senses soar through the roof. You should also move your hands around on his chest which is often a neglected spot on a man. You can run one hand on it, even straight down to his stomach, while pulling the hair on his head with the other. Think of your hands as a sensual roller coaster for him; he'll never know what's coming next!


One of the best ways to have a kick ass make-out session with your man is to keep your hands moving. This means using your hands to explore the sensitive areas of his body and to create different types of sensations. Start by lightly touching the back of his neck and the sides of his face, then move your hands around his body. You can try running one hand up and down his arm, or you can go up the back of his shirt and pull his hair with the other. For extra stimulation, try using different pressures, from barely there finger grace to digging your nails into him.

Another great spot to explore is his chest. This area is often neglected during a make-out session, but it can be a great source of pleasure. You can run one hand on his chest, and even down to his stomach. Your hands can be like a sensual roller coaster for him, creating unpredictable sensations that will drive him wild.

Finally, don’t forget to pay attention to his lips. Kissing is the main event of a make-out session, so take your time and really enjoy it. Try varying the intensity of the kiss, from slow and gentle to passionate and deep.

6. Tease Him

human action,person,kiss,male,romance, This is the hottest tip for a make out session! Teasing is my favorite part of kissing because it makes me feel powerful as a woman, and I love watching him get turned on. When making out with a guy the number one thing I do is bite his lip. A light bite and pull on his lower lip makes most men go crazy. Don't be afraid if you have never done it, you won't hurt him as long as you aren't chomping down. Another move is to lean into him and just as you're about to kiss him pull away and make him reach for you. Let him know that he can't just kiss you when he wants to, he has to work for it! Besides the lips, the tongue is a major teaser as well. Sometimes it's nice to just play with each other's tongues and connect. Use that when you are pulling away from him too. This foreplay move will get you both hot for each other.


Teasing is a great way to spice up a make-out session and keep things exciting. It involves using small gestures like biting his lip or pulling away from a kiss to make him want more. Teasing can also involve playing with each other's tongues and building anticipation before going in for a passionate kiss. This technique can be used to keep the passion going throughout the make-out session and leave both partners wanting more. It's important to communicate with your partner and make sure they are comfortable with the level of teasing being used.

7. Environment

hair,clothing,black hair,blond,leg, The environment you are in will play a big part on how your make out session is going to go. If you are the kind of couple that enjoys the adventure of getting caught, than try parking at a public spot from where you might get chased away. If you are the kind of passionate couple who enjoys a sensual experience, light some candles and turn off the lights for a romantic evening together. On hot summer nights go to a park close by, grab a blanket, and kiss under the stars. Go to a place you know you can enjoy together that will add to your make out experience. If your dating experience turns into a long relationship it will always be a story you two will have together. But if it's a dating experience that doesn't end so well, at least you will have a good story to share! Make the most of every experience by not just focusing on the chemistry you're creating together but what you can create around you!


In addition to the tips mentioned, the environment can also greatly enhance your make-out session. For adventurous couples, try finding a public spot where you might get caught for an added thrill. For a more intimate experience, set the mood by lighting candles and turning off the lights. Take advantage of warm summer nights by kissing under the stars in a nearby park. Not only will this add to the overall experience, but it will also create a special memory for you and your partner. Whether the relationship lasts or not, you'll always have a fun story to share. Remember to not only focus on the chemistry between you two, but also on the surroundings to make the most out of your make-out session.

8. Suck on His Finger

white,hairstyle,product,textile,interaction, Depending on how comfortable you are in the moment, grab his hand and suck on your man's finger. Look him straight in the eyes and he'll go crazy. This is you taking control of the make out session, creating a fantasy in his head, and turning him on all at once. Men relate this move to another sexual foreplay action and get all hot and bothered. Don't be afraid to feel weird about doing this, sometimes the more random or awkward things we do end up being best moves!


Sucking on his finger during a make-out session can be a major turn on for men. This move is known to create a fantasy in their heads and can be seen as a form of sexual foreplay. It shows that you are taking control and can be a way to spice things up in the moment. In fact, studies have shown that men find this action to be highly arousing and can lead to more intense make-out sessions. Don't be afraid to try new things and embrace the awkwardness, as it can often lead to the best moves.

9. Mix It up

human action,person,human positions,beauty,sitting, Don't be afraid to mix up your position or kissing style while you're making out. Surprise your object of affection by doing something unexpected like kissing the ears, wrapping your legs around him or grind your body against his. You can also speed up or slow down your kisses and increase and decrease the intensity of your lips and keep him guessing.


Kissing is an intimate and romantic way to show affection. By mixing up your position and kissing style, you can increase the intensity of your make-out session and make it more memorable. Try different techniques such as kissing the ears, wrapping your legs around your partner, or grinding your body against his. You can also vary the speed and intensity of your kisses, as well as the duration, to keep your partner guessing. Experimenting with different techniques can make your make-out session more exciting and enjoyable for both of you.

10. Be a Tease

hair,person,clothing,image,sun tanning, Most guys love to be teased so there's no reason not to incorporate some sexy teasing into your makeout session. Try kissing him then pulling away immediately or act as if you're going to plant a big one on the lips and kiss him on the neck instead.


Teasing your man during a make-out session can be a great way to add some extra spice to your experience. It can also be a great way to build anticipation and keep him wanting more. Teasing can be done in a variety of ways, such as lightly running your fingers over his skin, planting small kisses all over his face and body, or pulling away just before you kiss him on the lips. Teasing can also involve using words to heighten the moment, such as whispering compliments or naughty phrases in his ear. Whatever you do, make sure to keep it light and playful so that you both have a great time.

11. Eye Contact

hair,human positions,beauty,dress,hairstyle, Keeping your eyes open while you kiss might seem distant or creepy, but you can certainly lock eyes in between locking lips to turn the heat up even more! Intensify your makeout session by making brief yet sexy glances your partner's way in between kisses.


Eye contact is an important part of a passionate make-out session. Not only does it add a layer of intimacy, it can also make the experience more exciting. When you and your man lock eyes, it can be incredibly thrilling and can add an extra spark to your make-out session.

When making eye contact, it's important to keep it brief and sexy. If you hold your partner's gaze for too long, it can become awkward or uncomfortable. Instead, try to make brief glances in between kisses and caresses. This will help to keep the intensity of the make-out session alive.

Eye contact can also be used to communicate during a make-out session. If you feel like your partner is getting too aggressive or if you want to take things to the next level, a simple look can be all it takes to get your message across.

The key to a great make-out session is to stay in the moment and to pay attention to your partner. Eye contact is an important part of this process and can help to create a connection between the two of you. So don't be afraid to make eye contact during your make-out session - it can take it to the next level!

12. Feast His Eyes

human action,hair,person,clothing,blond, All of this kissing is sure to have him wanting you like crazy, but don't forget another trick you've got up your sleeve-your body! Flaunt all your curves and skin and leave him wanting more. Men are very visual and all the lip action plus seeing your hot body is sure to drive him wild.


Feast his eyes by flaunting your body during a make-out session with your man. Men are very visual and seeing your curves and skin can drive them wild. Showing off your body can be an incredibly empowering experience, and can also be a great way to spice up your make-out session. Be sure to pay attention to his reactions, and if he seems to be enjoying it, keep going! Showing off your body can be a great way to make your make-out session even more passionate and exciting.

13. Use His Hands

person,image,girl,blond,vacation, Another tip for a great makeout session is to use his hands on you. Guide his hands over parts of your body or use them to unbutton a few buttons on your shirt. Don't undo too many buttons or allow him to touch you too long. You just want to give him a preview of what he might get to experience if he's lucky!

All of these tips for a make out session are here to give you a basic idea of how to have fun with your guy. You can get more adventurous or tone it down, but either way you have a layout and idea of how to turn your man on. Remember to tease him, touch him, and create a fun and comfortable ambiance. How many of these tips for a great make out session have you used?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I'm surprised at how many of these tricks I already knew without knowing they were "turn on" tricks! No wonder the session always went well hehe... but some of the ones I didn't know will make it even better! Thanks!!

I've never done any of these but I might give them a shot

i love this all

i can only read the number 1. how to read the rest?

love this !! I just got engaged last night and my guy is a fire fighter so he won't be home till tomorrow . So I cant wait to use this tips to spice things up tomorrow night before sexy time !! Lol