9 Tips for Getting through a Deployment and Saving Your Sanity ...

By Jordin5 Comments

Are you worried about getting through a deployment? Maybe you’re new to military life, or maybe you’ve been through a dozen deployments. It doesn’t matter, they never get easier! Here are a few tips for getting through a deployment in case you need a little encouragement or inspiration if you’re wondering how to make it through those long days ahead.

1 Take It One Day at a Time

One key to getting through a deployment is by taking it one day at a time. If you look at it as one lump, like 6 months or a year, it can get overwhelming. So take it one day at a time and resolve not to stress about next week before it ever arrives! The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and before you know it, the deployment is over.

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2 Find Something to Focus on

Staying focused will be a vital part of keeping your mind off missing your significant other so much. There are lots of things to focus on: your family, friends, community, church, projects, outreach programs, or fitness. Focus on a new cause. Focus on staying strong. Focus on letting go. Focus on making it to the end of this deployment!

3 Stay Busy

Make sure you have a lot going on in your life to fill the empty time you might normally spend with your loved one who is temporarily gone. I worked 4 jobs during one deployment. For a couple weeks, I even did them all at once. Stay busy with work, social life, family, hobbies, school, or commitments. It will help the time go by even faster.

4 Take Time to De-stress

One thing to remember is that carrying an extra load of stress is not going to help you or anyone around you. Make sure to carve out some time for just you. When a spouse is gone, the workload doubles. It’s a lot for one person! Hire a sitter, get a massage, take a bubble bath, or splurge on a new outfit. Do what you need to do in order to kick back.

5 Surround Yourself with Positivity

Negative atmospheres will not foster growth. If you find yourself in the company of negative people, realize that you don’t need them around you. Create an inspiration board filled with positive encouragement. Remind yourself daily why you are doing this. Above all, reach out and connect with anyone who helps you stay upbeat.

6 Find Some Friends Who Can Relate

It’s lovely having the support of friends and family, but there is just something about having a friend who knows exactly how you feel and what you’re going through. Reach out to other spouses in your community who have deployed husbands and make new friends. You’ll be there for each other in a way that no one else can.

7 Set Goals for Yourself

Something that always helps me during deployments is setting a goal or two to reach while my husband is away. Usually it’s a weight loss or fitness goal, sometimes it is an attitude or spiritual goal, other times financial goals are at the top of my list. You could make it a career goal, a scholastic goal, or any other goal you like. Deployments are great for goals because it’s easier to stay focused without distractions.

8 Use the Time to Your Advantage

I am a positive person, so I always look for the good in things. I use the times that my husband is deployed to do things I wouldn’t normally do when he is home. For example, extended visits with family who live in other states, or weekend getaways with my girlfriends.

9 Find Your Inner Strength

Many women (myself included) depend on spiritual support to carry them through long deployments. Reach inside yourself, and know that you can depend on a higher power to carry you through in times of distress and fear. You’re never alone!

As someone who has been through more than a couple of deployments, I can tell you these tips are tried and true! If your significant other is currently on a deployment, I want to send warm wishes your way. Staying behind is one of the hardest parts of deployment. You’re a trooper! Thanks for YOUR service. And to the men and women who defend our country, thank you as well! To my readers, what tips would you give someone who is about to face a deployment?

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