7 Helpful Tips for Improving Everyday Conversations with Your Partner ...

By Sici

7 Helpful Tips for Improving Everyday Conversations with Your Partner ...

I think we could all use some tips for improving everyday conversations with your partner. Don’t you find it strange that you can be in a loving relationship with your partner, but still not be able to have a really meaningful everyday conversation with them very easily? Sure, you can talk about the things that really matter, and your chemistry when it comes to getting down and dirty is on point, but for some reason, there is something kind of stale feeling about every day talking that is required when two people spend so much time together. Don’t worry, this kind of thing is actually really normal in a relationship. Here are seven great tips for improving everyday conversations with your partner tips for improving everyday conversations with your partner.

1 Change of Routine

This happens to be one of the best tips for improving everyday conversations with your partner. Do something to your daily routine to switch it up, and the changes will provide you both something to talk about without having to think too hard. It could be as small as having your dinner together out on the patio instead of in the kitchen or in front of the television. Anything to get new lines of conversation flowing.

Frequently asked questions

2 Open Ended Questions

Don’t ask simple yes or no questions that encourage short answers; instead, ask open ended ones that require more words to answer. The more open ended the better, and this type of questions often has the power to branch off into other interesting topics of discussion organically.

3 Share Good and Bad News

It’s important to always share your news with your partner, and that means the bad as well as the good. Your low points are the times when you should be getting as much support from your partner as possible, not hiding it deep down inside to try to maintain a quiet but balanced atmosphere.

4 No Phones

Smartphones are probably the number one distraction for people not being able to talk to each other in a meaningful way. Make a pact to put your phones away when you are together in the evenings, and you will find that your conversation flows at a much better rate and isn’t disrupted by ten scrolls through Facebook every thirty minutes!

5 Invite Specific Conversation

Rather than waiting awkwardly to see what ideas pop up into your head, you should try to direct the topics in a specific way by simply asking them. “Do you want to talk about…” might seem like a stilted approach, but it will at least get you conversing about conversing! Eventually, you will find a rhythm that suits you.

6 Show Your Listening Skills

Make sure that you are a great listener during your time talking together, and bring things up from previous days to let your partner see that you are taking in everything that they say to you. Ask about that specific work project from last week, ask about their friends upcoming birthday, all of the small details that less interested people would have forgotten.

7 Talk Throughout the Day

Don’t wait until the end of the day to connect with one another. Send each other fun texts throughout the day so that when you finally meet up after work, you don’t have to go through a potentially awkward period of breaking the ice.

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