It's a horrible feeling when you really like a guy and you're taking your relationship (whether official or not) seriously but it's clear he doesn't really care that much.
If you can relate to these points then he's really not the one for you and you shouldn't waste any more of your time on him...
Don't be overly neurotic about this one because he might genuinely be busy and can't always reply within 10 minutes.
Similarly, it is possible for people to forget to reply to a message, but if he goes days on end without responding to a single text or making the effort to get in touch with you, he can't be that interested in talking to you.
Whenever you arrange a meet up it's always about what's best for him and you find yourself bending over backwards to fit in with what he wants.
Sure, be flexible but when you have to rearrange your plans or constantly wait for him to decide when he's free it's not ok.
He will have a life away from you, and that's fine, but at the same time you don't want to constantly find yourself at the bottom of the heap.
Sometimes he should be putting you first and be aware of what's going on in your life. For example, choosing to go out with his friends when you're genuinely upset about something and need him is a big red flag.
If you didn't text him first or try and arrange a date would he?
If you genuinely think the answer is no then run for the hills.
A relationship is a joint effort and one person shouldn't have to do all the work. It also makes you feel like you're chasing him and you're better than that!
When a guy genuinely makes you feel like you're worthless and that you mean nothing to him it's a really sickening feeling and then you know for sure he's not worth your time.
The right guy will make you feel like the most important and beautiful girl in the world and you shouldn't settle for anything less.
Sometimes when it's clear a guy is using you, treating you badly or is generally just not worth your efforts, as hard as it may be, it can be best to just to cut your losses and move on to someone who deserves you.