7 Types of First Kisses You Can Have in Your Lifetime ...


Unless your first love is the one you marry, you’ll have several types of first kisses. Since all men and all relationships are different, no two kisses are the same. Some are highly sought after, while others are not so desirable. Here are the different types of first kisses you might have already had:

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1. Public Kiss

Public Kiss These kisses are the most common when you’re young. You’re at a boy-girl party, and your friends keep teasing you about your crush. Or maybe you’re at school on the playground with him, and everyone is urging you to kiss. You feel like it’s something you have to do, and you give him a quick peck on the lips. Out of all of the different types of first kisses, this is the most public one. It’s more for your friends than it is for you.

2. Goodbye Kiss

Goodbye Kiss You just had a lovely date, but you’re not exactly sure how he feels about you. When he drops you off, you linger to see what he does. Is he going to hug you? Maybe he’ll just give a cute wave and leave without touching you at all. Of course, your worries evaporate once he leans in and gives you a soft kiss on the lips.


This fleeting touch sends a surge of warmth through you. It's a sign that he's as smitten as you are. The tenderness of this moment lays the foundation for what could blossom into something truly special. Suddenly, every rom-com you've seen makes perfect sense. You feel the butterflies flutter, and as you watch him drive away, you’re left with a sweet memory that promises the start of a new romance. It's the classic end-of-the-night kiss that has you checking your phone, hoping for a next time.

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3. Perfect Kiss

Perfect Kiss A perfect first kiss can take place anywhere. It doesn’t matter whether it’s on a beach at sunset or in your dorm room. All that matters is that you’re crazy about the guy you’re with, and that he feels the same. When you lock lips, you feel butterflies and hear fireworks and experience every other cliche in the book. The moment is perfect, and you know you’ll be with the man for a while.

4. Awkward Kiss

Awkward Kiss An awkward kiss doesn’t mean a bad kiss. When you’re both nervous, it’s easy for an intimate act to become clumsy. If you bump noses or don’t move at the same pace, be patient. It could take you a few minutes to get used to one another. Once you’re familiarized, an awkward kiss could become pretty perfect.

5. Unexpected Kiss

Unexpected Kiss You’re out with the man you like, having a grand old time. You’re not even thinking about his lips on yours, because you’re too busy laughing at his jokes. Then, in the middle of one of your stories, he leans in. You don’t expect it, so there’s no time to be nervous. You simply get to enjoy the moment.

6. Impatient Kiss

Impatient Kiss You’re on a date, waiting for him to make a move. You’ve been sitting close together, flirting, and making eyes all night. What on earth is he waiting for? Maybe you’ve been reading all of his signs wrong, or maybe he’s just as nervous as you. You have to decide whether you should be the one to go in for the kiss or if you should wait a little longer to see what he does.


The impatient kiss is a common experience in the dating world. It can happen on a first date or even after several dates of flirting and chemistry. This type of kiss is characterized by the intense desire for physical intimacy and the anticipation of the other person's move. It can be a nerve-wracking moment, as both parties are unsure of how the other will react. However, it can also be a bold and confident move, showing that you are not afraid to take charge of the situation. Ultimately, the impatient kiss can lead to a passionate and unforgettable first kiss experience.

7. Long Awaited Kiss

Long Awaited Kiss You’ve been friends for years and interested for just as long. Or maybe you have a long distance relationship, so it’s difficult to see him in person. Either way, you’ve been waiting months for this kiss to occur. When it finally does, you want everything to go well. In the end, everything ends up magically, because such a long wait made the kiss even more enjoyable.

Whether things go well or poorly, first kisses are always exciting. Do you have any first kiss stories that are especially good or bad? Tell us all about it!

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Never kissed anyone!! I'm sooooo scared as well what if it come to it and I just don't know how to kiss or something sounds ridiculous but it's what's been stopping me all this time!!

My first kiss was none of these. When I was in 7th grade, I went to a school dance. A random guy from a different school asked me if I wanted to dance during one of the slow songs. I wanted to be nice, so I said yes. Once the song was over, he kissed me. It wasn't a nice kiss either. He was like trying to shove his tongue down my throat. I didn't have any time to react before a chaperone broke it up about 5 seconds later. Worst first kiss ever...My friends wouldn't stop teasing me about it.

It was a perfect kiss when I was lying on a couch with a guy I have a huge crush on. I was sharing my favorite music with him, having my head leaning on his chest. Oasis song was playing when he turned my head a little bit and kisses me for the first time. That was quite a moment!

Yep that's true when it come to a first kiss with your partner

my first kiss happened in front of someone else's mailbox and that mailbox will forever be remembered!

ok i have never had my first kiss but this is what i want it to be like

love it! personally I'm hoping for the perfect kiss. fingers crossed!

I never had a first kiss but how do I find a guy I like ? I looked everywhere but can't find the him. Help!

what about the nonexistent kind? lol