Types of Men You'll Meet on Spring Break ...


Types of Men You'll Meet on Spring Break ...
Types of Men You'll Meet on Spring Break ...

If you're planning on going on vacation during spring break, you need to be careful. You never know who you're going to run into. According to Her Campus, here are the types of men you'll meet on spring break:

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1. The Straggler

This guy might try to join your group of friends, because he doesn't have anyone else to hang out with. He's just sort of there. You're not really sure why.

2. The Party Animal

The Party Animal All this guy cares about is drinking and dancing. He's not going to slow down for a second, because he'll want to get as much excitement out of his vacation as he possibly can.

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3. The Guy Who’s Just along for the Ride

The Guy Who’s Just along for the Ride This guy doesn't really want to be on Spring break at all. He just got dragged down to the beach by his friends. He'd rather be at home, but he's trying to make the best of his situation.

4. The Townie

The Townie This guy lives in the town you're visiting for vacation. He's going to know where all of the hot spots are. Of course, he might try to take advantage of the fact that you'll only be around for a few days and use you for sex.

5. The Creepy Old Guy

The Creepy Old Guy Some men don't realize that they're too old to have a chance with you. That's why they'll wink and flirt at you until you get so uncomfortable that you have to run away.

Have you met any of these types of men on spring break in the past?