Undeniable Tips to Make Your First Kiss Perfect for Girls Dreaming of the Day ...


Undeniable Tips to Make Your First Kiss Perfect for Girls Dreaming of the Day ...
Undeniable Tips to Make Your First Kiss Perfect for Girls Dreaming of the Day ...

You are probably looking forward to your first proper kiss. Your first kiss is exciting but also nerve-wracking. You’ll probably feel clumsy, nervous about technique, worried about what to do with your hands … Don’t fret. This is normal. It’s ok to be a bit anxious. You’ll be fine if you follow these tips.

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1. Where Your First Kiss Happens is Important

black and white, black, person, photography, monochrome photography, This is a special moment and is best shared by just the two of you. You don’t want your friends egging you on or jeering or even cheering afterward. Have your first kiss in private.


Choosing a meaningful location adds to the magic of your first kiss. Think about a serene park bench away from prying eyes, under the stars on a clear night, or at the end of a pier with the sound of waves crashing. A place that feels intimate and significant to your relationship will set the stage for a memorable experience, ensuring the kiss feels natural and right. Avoid public places where distractions could break the spell, because after all, you’ll want to remember this moment for its sweetness and sincerity.

2. Pop a Breath Mint Beforehand!

person, singing, mouth, singer, singer songwriter, The absolute last thing you need, when there is already so much pressure surrounding a first kiss, is to make the mistake of having bad breath from some food that you just ate or beverage that you just drank! If you think that today could be the day, then pop a fresh smelling breath mint before you go and meet up with your crush. If it then happens, you can be assured that you taste like nothing but yummy spearmint!


Always ensure you're well-hydrated, which can help keep your mouth from getting dry and your breath fresher. Stay clear from particularly strong foods like garlic, onions, or heavy spices on the day of the anticipated kiss — they can be hard to mask, even with mints. Instead, opt for meals that won't leave a lingering scent. And remember, confidence in your fresh breath will also help set the ideal mood for a memorable first kiss. Carry a pack of mints with you as a little insurance policy for spontaneity; they're the perfect wingman for that special moment.

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3. Relax!

person, interaction, The lead up to a first kiss is always acted out on TV and in movies as a really stressful thing, but in reality, your first kiss is probably going to be with somebody who you trust and are comfortable with, so there really is no need to be anxious at all. Try to relax, and whatever happens will happen. Once it’s done, you will wonder what all the fuss was about!


Remember, the best kisses are the ones that aren’t forced! It’s totally okay to go with the flow and let the moment take over. If you feel like the timing is right, lean in gently. When your lips finally meet, keep them soft and slightly parted. Don’t worry about getting fancy with techniques - simplicity is key for a sweet and memorable first kiss. Just enjoy the sensation and connection with your partner, and everything else will fall into place naturally. Trust yourself, and don’t forget to breathe.

4. Make Sure Your Lips Are Prepared

human action, hair, face, person, nose, To put it simple, nobody wants to kiss a pair of lips that are dry and chapped, and they equally won’t have the best time if your lips too wet and soggy! To achieve maximum kissable-ness, just remember to carry a lip balm in your pocket and surreptitiously top up a layer when you think the time might be getting near!

5. Try to Read His Body Language

human action, black and white, black, person, photography, It can be really awkward if your crush goes in for a kiss and you didn’t see it coming at all, so make sure to pay attention to his body language. Boys are not the most subtle of creatures, so it’s pretty likely that you will be able to tell when he wants to go in for the kiss if you pay close attention to his body language!


Understanding body language can give you a huge advantage in anticipating your crush's moves. Notice if he starts leaning in closer, maintaining longer eye contact, or touching his lips subconsciously. These signals might suggest he's gearing up for a kiss. Moreover, if he's finding excuses to get closer or seems particularly tuned in to your conversation, he could be creating the perfect moment. Trust your intuition—if you sense that spark in the air, it might just mean a kiss is on the horizon! Just remember to stay relaxed and go with the flow; your natural chemistry will do the rest.

6. Don’t Overdo It the First Time round

person, conversation, interaction, 219, Sure, at this point we’ve all seen a million kiss scenes on the small and big screen that is feels like we are all pros. But remember, this is your first actual kiss, so don’t go for more than you can handle by attempting a huge Frenchie right off the bat! Work your way in to it with your crush: start off slow and see what you like and what you don’t like. What works for some people doesn’t always work for others!

7. Get Your Hands Involved

black, black and white, photograph, monochrome photography, darkness, Kissing can start to feel very awkward if both of your hands are just hanging limp at your sides. I’m not talking about going to second base here, more just the fact that you should try and involve your hands in the kissing: things like running your hands through their hair, touching their face, gently holding their sides - all of these little gestures make it even better.


Involving your hands adds warmth and intimacy to the moment. A soft caress on the cheek or a gentle grip on the waist can elevate the entire experience, signaling your affection and desire for closeness. Listen to their body language too, if they lean into your touch, it's a good sign they're enjoying the connection. Just remember, keep movements tender and purposeful – a little touch can say a lot.

8. Remember to Smile!

human action, person, black and white, photograph, black, After all, kissing is fun! Don’t overthink it to the point where you are treating it like a serious science experiment. The most important thing to do is smile so that your crush knows you are having a good time!

9. Call the Tune

human action, person, photograph, kiss, black and white, No matter how inexperienced you are, your first kiss should leave him wanting more. You can help this along by being the first to pull away / end the lip lock. Do it gently and naturally otherwise he’ll think you weren’t enjoying it.

It doesn’t matter if your first kiss isn’t perfect. You’ve passed the hurdle and now you can stop being anxious and be more of yourself without nerves getting in the way.

We’d love to hear your first kiss stories. Was it a delight or a disaster? Please share!

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My first kiss with my partner was absolutely perfect I pulled away carefully and it drove him crazy he came back for more best thing bout it tho is that I had grape chapstick and he loves grapes which drove him even more crazy

How long is too long to wait for a first kiss in a relationship ?