Was Your Breakup Actually a Mistake?

By Alicia2 Comments

Are you in the position of wondering if your breakup was actually a mistake? Having thoughts along that line could mean you need to reevaluate it. It’s not unheard of for happy couples to have broken up and got back together. Many times they’re a stronger couple for it. These’re some things to consider when you’re wondering if your breakup was actually a mistake.

1 You Made Your Decision in Anger

There’s a lot of truth to the old saying, “Act in haste, regret at leisure.” It’s never a wise idea to make an important decision when you’re highly emotional. You don’t make the same decisions when you’re angry as you would when you’re calm. That’s because anger can skew your sense of logic. If you decided to break up because you were angry instead of because it was the right decision then it may have been a mistake.

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2 You Regret Breaking up

If you regret breaking up then that’s a big sign your breakup was a mistake. It’s important to be careful not to confuse sadness with regret. True regret is when you deeply wish you’d never gone through with the breakup, if it was your decision. However, if it was his choice then there’s nothing to do but move on. That’s key in every one of these points; he has to have the desire to get back together, too.

3 You’re Not over the Breakup

It takes time to recover from a breakup. But if you feel like you just can’t get your heart to move on then your breakup may have been a mistake. Sometimes giving yourself time can reveal how your heart truly feels. Make sure you’ve taken time to really examine that before you make a move to try to work things out again. Trust that if it’s meant to be then it will be.

4 Your Relationship Was (Mostly) Amazing

Feeling like yes, you had your moments but it was mostly magical between you is a sign your breakup may have been a mistake. If you look back at your relationship and feel nothing but fondness then that’s a sign you shouldn’t have went through with the breakup. It’s okay to give your ex a call when you’re ready and see how it goes. Find out if he’s in the same place you are.

5 You Rarely Fought

Conflict is a part of every relationship. Some relationships have more conflict than others. Having a lot of conflict can be a red flag that your relationship was heading in the wrong direction. Having a low amount of conflict in your relationship is a sign that your relationship is healthy. If you rarely fought then your relationship may have been better than you realized.

6 You Still Think He’s an Amazing Guy

If you still think your ex is an amazing guy then you should probably try to work things out. Having the thought that any girl would be lucky to have him is very telling. Why shouldn’t you be that lucky girl? Having these feelings is a huge sign you should try to work things out. If you’re worried if your perspective is accurate then talk to someone you deeply trust to make sure you’re not seeing things incorrectly.

7 You Daydream about Getting Back Together

Does your ex fill your thoughts? Do you daydream about getting back together? It’s one thing to remember the good times but it’s another to hope for a future together. If you’re daydreaming of him and you truly miss him then listen to your heart. You don’t want to go back to him because it’s an easy option though; make sure it’s the right option.

These’re some signs that your breakup may have been a mistake. Do you see any of these in yourself? Do you feel inspired to try to work things out with your ex?

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