Awesome Ways for the Single Mom to Find Dates ...


Awesome Ways for the Single Mom  to Find Dates ...
Awesome Ways for the Single Mom  to Find Dates ...

There are lots of ways for single moms to find dates. Single moms are the superheroes of the modern world. Running on caffeine, little sleep, and the drive to give the world to their kid(s). They wear an invisible cape, whether it’s early in the morning with Cheerios in their hair, picking up toys that are now the living room floor, taking care of sick kiddos, magically making ouchies go away, dressed up for a night out for once, or going to work.

They give all their time to kids, friends, family, and of course work. If they aren’t working a few jobs to make ends meet, then they have a 40 hour + week giving everything they have in either scenario. They generally have very little time for crucial self-care. So, they finally decide it’s time for dating. That they’re ready to take this on. With limited time, they can’t get out to go to bars every Saturday. What exactly do they do? Here are some great ways for single moms to find dates.

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Round 1:

Single mom vs. dating apps:
Dating apps have been a great invention for anyone with social anxiety, limited time, or who are done with other ways to find a date/partner. What does this entail for the single mom? The same way it benefits everyone else. They can be home with their kiddos in bed and select potential matches. Have conversations with their matches before even grabbing a coffee or whatever they decide as their first meet up. Plus (from my experience) there are plenty of people who have kids themselves looking for a connection.


Round 2:

Single mom vs. speed dating:
I know what you’re thinking but yes, speed dating is still around. You can find events in local newspapers or on the internet. This can be a fun way to go on several dates in one night. Perk? They only last for a few minutes and on to the next. Instead of sitting through a never-ending dinner, movie, or both, you get merely a minute or so and you get to say bye to that not so charming prince/princess. Bring some fellow single friends along. This could also be a great girl’s night idea. Go on several dates and have your friends around to share some great laughs. Hopefully, by the end of the night, you’ll have a few numbers in your purse. The only drawback to this one is having to find a babysitter. Don’t let that stop you because as a mom we all know you’ll have it planned way in advance.


Round 3:

Single mom vs. blind dates:
Everyone in your life loves you and wants you to be happy. When they heard you were ready to date, chances are a few knew the perfect match. You might have even been hearing about this person way before you decided you were ready. This can always be an interesting way. Those closest to you do know you well and hopefully, the person they have in mind is someone they have thoroughly examined. One tip is to get the chosen person's number or give consent to let them have yours. That way you can have some form of contact with them and get to know them before you go on the date. With the modern age, you can also look them up on social media to see if they peak your interest. There’s also the idea of keeping it old school. Contact only to know when the date is and keep everything else a mystery.


Round 4:

Single mom vs. the bar/club scene:
I put bar/club scene, but this can be implied to any social event. Usually, it goes, you show up meeting someone you know, or they have shown up with you. Sometimes you have found someone in the back of your mind or are just having fun with your friends. Either way there you are. You’re enjoying your time, unwinding which you deserve to do, and it happens. You spot each other across the way, run into each other at a communal area, or are introduced by a mutual friend. Your interest is peaked, and you decide you want to get to know this person better. There are many scenarios that can go from here. Hopefully, the outcome is the same, numbers are exchanged.


The Win

For the win:
Any of the ways you decide. Every one of these options are meant for single moms to pick from that work for them and their lives. However, I personally know that between working a full-time job and having kids doing anything that involves going out is harder to do. I picked trying dating apps and it’s been successful for me. I know it’s not for everyone, but I think it’s a wonderful way to get your toes wet. Just remember single moms: you are amazing and there are people out there who will understand you have limited time and the free moments you have are precious.

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