7 Ways to Accept Your Friend-Zoned Status ...


Okay, so being friend-zoned absolutely SUCKS! But, remember to hold your head up high and act as cool as a cucumber. How exactly do you do that? Guest contributor Rosie Marcus is here to help with her tips.

Want to know what I hate? When people say girls can’t be friend-zoned! Oh geez, it gets me fired up! Why can’t girls be friend- zoned! Ah, but that’s not why you’re here…you are here to learn how to accept your newly friend-zoned status. Shall we begin?

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1. Go Ahead and Cry

Firstly, it is OKAY to cry! Never think that you can’t cry… tears are all the pent up anger and frustration you’ve held in for so long. So let yourself cry and allow yourself to feel self-pity.


Firstly, it is okay to cry! Never think that you can’t cry… tears are all the pent-up anger and frustration you’ve held in for so long. So let yourself cry and allow yourself to feel self-pity. It's a natural and healthy way to release emotions. A good cry can help you process what you're feeling and pave the way for healing. Research shows that crying activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body rest and digest. It’s a powerful first step in moving forward, so grab some tissues, find a comfortable space, and let those tears flow.

2. Not Forever Though

Don’t cry forever. Sure you do need to cry but crying and living in self-pity will only lead to depression. Remind yourself that you will be okay and that there are plenty of fish in the sea, cupcakes in the bakery...you get the idea.

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3. Stay Friends

Don’t let your love for this person ruin your friendship with him. You may not be able to date him, but realize that even though you can’t BE with him, you can still be with him. I know that sounds really confusing, but remember this guy is willing to stay your friend, so why should you turn away?


It can be difficult to accept being placed in the friend-zone, especially if you have strong romantic feelings for the other person. However, it is important to remember that you can still have a meaningful relationship with this person, even if it is not romantic. Staying friends can be a great way to maintain a connection and stay close to someone you care about.

It is important to remember that the other person may not be comfortable with a romantic relationship, and it is important to respect their wishes. It can be helpful to remember that friendship is a valuable relationship that can provide companionship and support. Even if you can’t be with this person in a romantic way, you can still enjoy time spent together and have meaningful conversations.

It can also be beneficial to focus on other areas of your life, such as your career, hobbies, or spending time with other friends. In addition, it may be helpful to talk to a close friend or family member about how you feel. Talking to someone can be a great way to gain perspective and process your emotions.


You girls out there who HAVEN’T confessed to this guy... what are you waiting for?! If this guy doesn’t even know that you like him, you can't really blame him for his attitude. However, if he has a girlfriend you may want to hold off on your confession. I know it hurts, but you don’t want him to hate you for possibly ruining a relationship he has with someone else.


you might end up causing more harm than good. Timing is everything, so if he is currently single, muster up the courage and let him know how you feel. Be genuine and straightforward—it’s way better than keeping your feelings bottled up. Remember, it takes guts to be vulnerable, and no matter the outcome, you’ll be proud of yourself for taking that step. If he reciprocates, great things could be on the horizon. If not, you'll at least have clarity and can begin to move on. Either way, you’ve done your part, and that’s something to be celebrated!

5. Try Again

Now don’t take this the wrong way. But it is okay to look for other options, even though you may potentially love this guy. You may find someone that surpasses the love you feel for this guy.

6. Stalker Status

It's okay if you don't want to look for someone else, but stop stalking your friend! Why? Because you may lose even the friendship you share with him. Now don’t think that means you can’t stick by him but don’t sit there and wallow in your love and confess to him every other day. Don't stalk his Facebook and leave silly comments that make him look bad.

7. Falling out of Love

Just remember it is okay to fall OUT of love with him. It's going to happen at some point and that day will be amazing!

Being in the friend-zone sucks, but you have an equal opportunity to either continue to love him or to move on. So which one are you going to take?

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So my " friend " and I text & talk everyday all day. One day we were both having service issues with our cell providers . I managed to get through that eve & told him we needed to talk. When we saw each other later that eve, I explained to him the situation, and he told me " he was getting worried ,that he thought I was gonna tell him that I met someone else & he wasn't sure how he would deal with this!!!" Now this is confusing, since he is always saying we are just friends!!!

this is super helpful ~