7 Ways to Assure He'll Never Lose Interest in You ...


You and your man are on good terms now, but you can't help but worry about whether that's all going to change one day. I mean, people are always saying how married couples stop sleeping together and start arguing once they hit a certain point. Well, it doesn't have to be that way. Here are a few ways to assure that he'll never lose interest in you:

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1. Be Spontaneous

After you've been together for a while, you'll fall into a certain routine. You'll see each other on certain days, go to certain restaurants, and hang out with certain people. While there's nothing wrong with developing a routine, you have to break it every once in a while. Surprise him with reservations for a restaurant in a different town or buy him tickets for a show in the city. Do whatever you can to keep him on his toes.

2. Keep up Appearances

You don't have to wear makeup every morning and toss out every pair of sweatpants you own. However, you should occasionally dress nicely just for him. Buy some lingerie or a new dress that he won't be able to take his eyes off of. If you're with the right man, he'll return the favor by buying something for himself to wear that you'll adore.

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3. Never Stop Learning

This one is essential, not only for your relationship, but for yourself. If you've been with your man for years, then he'll eventually have nothing left to learn about you--unless you keep trying new things. Join a class or take a trip. That way, you'll be living a life you enjoy and will constantly have new things for him to learn about you.

4. Have Your Own Friends

Don't let your man become your entire life. If he sees that you have plenty of friends that love spending time with you, he'll realize how lucky he is to have you and won't lose interest. That's why it's important to organize your time--because you want to have a social life that doesn't involve your man.

5. Continue Dating

If you act like a boring old married couple, then you'll start to feel that why. That's why you need to continue to go out on dates. It'll give you a chance to dress up, show each other off in public, and have flirty conversations. If you want your relationship to stay interesting, you have to act like you're still in the honeymoon phase, even when you've been together for decades.

6. Give Him What He Wants

You aren't his slave, so you don't have to wait on him hand and foot. However, he won't lose interest in you if you always surprise him by doing something special. If you know he loves cheesecake, pick him up a slice on the way home from work. If you know he hates taking out the garbage, do it for him after he had a rough day.

7. Never Lose Interest in Him

If you don't want him to lose interest in you, then you can't lose interest in him. If you're both happy to be involved in each other's lives, then you won't have a problem. You'll always be excited to spend time together.

As long as you continue to put effort into your relationship, you two shouldn't have a problem. What do you do to make sure that your relationship remains fun and fresh?

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I like it! Thanks.

7 ways to keep her interested in you.... Oh wait, men don't really care, they just live their lives

Some of you have obviously never been in a long term relationship... No offence... Don't get offended but yes after awhile things can get comfortable ... So yes you need to do your makeup some days put i. Effort even tho you have the guy. Think of new things to do... Almost 10 years with my husband... And these are important... And yes men need to do it too 2 way street all that but this is all women's talk not mens talk ladies

There is always a giver and a receiver... Just make sure you are emotionally nourished when doing so much for another!

Do not forget "give him some space, don't be too possessive/jealous, listen to him/his concern, be by his side when he needs you (even if he tells you to go away), be grateful/thankful, COMMUNICATION is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in a relationship, motivate/push him/cheer him up + don't forget to be your true self!"

I'm happily married (15 years) and I do these sorts of things for my husband. I have to say though that I'm so happy because he's just as sweet to me. So if you find the right man it's all worth it because it's a two way street.

I'm so feeling what Kate said ^^^

Damn picky much Cheryl

I'm sorry, but I must comment. If you have to "keep him interested" than it doesn't seem like he is the one. It's seems like if you two are supposed to be in love it shouldn't be one side and you pulling at his sleeves trying to get him to notice you. Then again I could be wrong and society is so gruesome now that the lady must "keep him interested."

Relationship require effort from both and these tips are just a small part of that effort one would make for their marriage or relationship.