Ways to Avoid the Temptation to Cheat ...

By Alison10 Comments

Have you ever been tempted to cheat … maybe just the once? Do you think it's okay if you can get away with it? Maybe you could … but that doesn't make it right. And you should never act on temptation. If you cheat, you're not only risking your relationship but showing a lack of respect for your partner. Here's how to avoid the temptation to cheat …

1 Remind Yourself What You're Risking

When you feel tempted to cheat on your partner, remind yourself of what you are putting at risk. You're endangering your relationship and will hurt your partner if they find out. You could lose your stability if your partner finds out and decides to end the relationship. And it will be nobody's fault but yours. Is it really worth it for a quick bit of fun?

Frequently asked questions

2 Doesn't Your Partner Deserve Better?

Also ask yourself this question: doesn't your partner deserve better than being cheated on? Don't they deserve your respect and loyalty? Finding out that you've cheated will damage their self-esteem as they'll wonder what's wrong with them (nothing!). If you can't be loyal to them, then you shouldn't be in a relationship.

3 Would You Want It to Happen to You?

Put yourself in the position of someone who's been cheated on. How would it feel? Could you really brush it off as a one-night stand, or just a mistake? Chances are you'd be devastated. If you wouldn't want it to happen to you, then you shouldn't do it to someone else. It's that simple.

4 Stay Away from Temptation

You can also avoid putting yourself in any 'dangerous' situations. If you fancy someone else, don't be alone with them or in any intimate situations. Also avoid drinking, as alcohol may lower your inhibitions and make you think it's ok to do something you shouldn't.


Limiting social media interaction with potential temptations can be an effective strategy as well. Often, flirtatious messages or inappropriate conversations can develop through these platforms, fostering emotional connections that might lead to physical infidelity. Consider unfollowing or muting individuals who spark those feelings, or even having an open conversation with your partner about social media boundaries. Remember, preserving the trust and integrity of your relationship should take precedence over a fleeting moment of curiosity or excitement.

5 Don't Think That Your Partner Will Never Find out

They may say "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", but you can never be sure that your partner won't find out. And even if you do manage to keep your cheating a secret, there's still a risk that they might find out later on. You can't be complacent. Nor can you be sure that other people won't drop you in it and tell your partner what you've been up to.


It's a small world after all, and gossip travels at lightning speed in the age of social media and instant communication. Trust forms the bedrock of any relationship, and once broken, it's incredibly difficult to rebuild. Imagine for a moment the emotional devastation and breach of trust that your partner would feel upon learning the truth. Such secrets have a way of bubbling to the surface, often at the most inopportune times. Your actions may not only hurt your partner but could irreparably damage the relationship you've worked hard to build.

6 If He's Someone else's Partner … He's Not for You

You may not be the one who's in a relationship, but if you get involved with a man who already has a partner, you're condoning a cheat and being part of the problem. Keep away from guys who are seeing someone else; even a brief fling is wrong. If he's someone else's partner, he's not for you.


Engaging in a relationship with a person who is committed elsewhere is setting yourself up for future distrust and pain. Remember, integrity and respect are crucial foundations of any healthy relationship. Should he be willing to betray his current partner, what's to say you won't find yourself in her shoes someday? Prioritize your self-worth and seek a love that is wholly available to you – one that doesn't start with compromise or secrecy. Hold out for a relationship that begins with a clean slate and is built on mutual trust and singular commitment.

7 It Still Counts if It's Just a One off …

Some people rationalise their cheating by deciding that it doesn't count if they have no intention of repeating the experience. That's just a way of justifying behavior that's wrong. One-night stands still count - otherwise you could have a different fling every night and claim it's not cheating!

Use your brain if you're ever tempted to cheat, and think about the potential consequences of what you're about to do. As well as the emotional issues, you could also be risking your health, as well as risking getting pregnant by someone who probably wouldn't be there for you. So just don't do it!

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