7 Excellent Ways to Beat the Post Honeymoon Blues ...


7 Excellent Ways to Beat the Post Honeymoon Blues ...
7 Excellent Ways to Beat the Post Honeymoon Blues ...

For the newly married, I've created a list of excellent ways to beat the post honeymoon blues. Just because the honeymoon is over doesn't mean your new reality has to stink. Besides, it was never about the wedding or even where you went on vacay for your romantic getaway afterwards. It was always about the marriage. Here are 7 excellent ways that you can use to beat the post honeymoon blues (should you find yourself having them)!

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1. Find Something to Laugh about

Find Something to Laugh about One way to beat the post honeymoon blues is to laugh. It's easy to find things to stress over. That's why we have to find something to laugh about. It's true, laughter is good for the soul. It's also true that it's great for a healthy and happy marriage. The more you can laugh together, the better.

2. Share Your Favorite TV Shows

Share Your Favorite TV Shows If you are a TV snob this can apply to movies as well. But most people work a 9-5 and just want to chill when they get home. One way you can grow closer as a new couple is to share what you enjoy with one another. Anime may not be your first choice for entertainment, but you may discover more about your spouse through watching what he loves.

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3. Massage

Massage Who doesn't love a good rub down? You don't have to spend a ton of money and have a professional massage, although that is a nice treat. The more you can touch in a loving and affectionate way, the safer and more exciting your relationship becomes. Ask each other where you carry stress and make time to give some tender loving care to that area.

4. Talk It out

Talk It out This may seem obvious, but communication is a vital key to a happy marriage. Don't be afraid to share what's bothering you in the relationship, your career, or any other area in life. Once the honeymoon is over, reality sets in and it's different for each couple. Take some time to assess each season with your spouse so that you can stay on the same page.

5. Create a Bucket List

Create a Bucket List Never stop having fun! If there are adventures you still want to go on, share them with your spouse so you can do it together. Despite what our culture likes to paint, marriage is not the end of having fun. It's helpful to sit down together and create a bucket list of things you would like to do. You can make a short term list and a long term list. Remember to revisit the list so you can check them off as the two of you make them happen.

6. Remind Him Why You Love Him

Remind Him Why You Love Him If you said yes, hopefully you had many reasons for it. What do you love about him? Think about those things and be sure to tell him. We all appreciate words of encouragement and nothing is sweeter than hearing them from the one that you love. You will find that as you share why you love him, you will become more secure in your decision and those possible honeymoon blues will fade.

7. Take a Mini Vacay Together

Take a Mini Vacay Together Keep the honeymoon going in your hearts by setting time aside to unplug and relax together. You don't have to go on an elaborate trip. No matter where you live, the next town over is enough of an environment change. It's more about being together than where you go. After all, that's marriage, isn't it?

I hope this little list is a loving reminder that you can do little things to continue to grow in love. Whether you have been married for years or are at the stage of considering marriage, these tips will help you keep things fresh. Do you have a tip to share with me?