8 Ways to Deal with Dishonesty in a Relationship ...


8 Ways to Deal with Dishonesty in a Relationship ...
8 Ways to Deal with Dishonesty in a Relationship ...

There are plenty of ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship, you just have to find them. In a lot of my past relationships, I've dealt with a lot of dishonesty, so I know all types of different ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship. Below, I'm going to explore the top 8 ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship that can really help!

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1. Research

One of the biggest misunderstandings in a relationship can come from lack of information and from jumping to conclusions. Before you jump into accusing your man of being dishonest, the first way to deal with dishonesty in a relationship is to do your research, so you can really see if he is being dishonest. Trust me, he'll appreciate it in the end!

2. Weigh Your Options

If your research does reveal that your man is being dishonest, you want to find out exactly what he is hiding. Is it an affair? Does he need time to himself but is scared to bring it up? Once you find out what he is lying about, make sure that you weigh your options and talk to him about it. Trust me, this is one of the ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship that works!

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3. Address the Facts

When you're dealing with dishonesty, the best way to deal with it is to truly address the facts. Lay it all out in front of your guy and see how he responds. That is actually one way to truly see if he cares, to see how he reacts to your findings of his dishonesty.

4. Talk It out

After you start to address the facts, make sure that you start to talk it out. One of the ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship is to have a conversation about it. Is he cheating on you? Do you have all of the facts about why?

5. Do Not Attack Right Away

When you're talking it all out, make sure that you don't attack right away. It might be really, really hard not to attack right away, but ladies, if you give your guy a chance to actually talk with you, without you attacking him, it could be a misunderstanding.

6. Decide if You Can Trust Him Again

Once trust is broken, it can be really difficult to get it back again. One of the ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship is to decide if you can really trust your guy again. If you can't, why are you with him in the first place?

7. Salvage the Relationship

After you decide if you can trust your man, you need to make sure that you salvage the relationship. This could take some additional conversations, some talking and even some counseling if you feel that you need it. Trust is really, really hard to come by and once it's broken, it's very difficult to repair it. However, if you do want to be with your man still, after an dishonest act, make sure that you wipe the slate clean.

8. Get out if You Can't Trust Him

Finally, if you decide that you can't trust your man, you need to get out of the relationship. Believe me, it will be better in the long run for both of you. Not only will you not waste each others time, but also, you'll be able to move on quicker.

It can be really difficult to trust someone after they've been dishonest, but these are just a few of the ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship. If you've been hurt by dishonesty and are trying to find ways to deal with dishonesty in a relationship, I hope these helped! Have you ever had a boyfriend be dishonest with you?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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I need help!!! My boyfriend was texting his son's mom inappropriately and I caught him...it has stopped since then...but obviously they have to talk because of his son and I am struggling to accept this and be ok with...I am paranoid that it will happen again...I care and love him and we about to move out together and I just dont know what to do. please help

Ya my husband did this . I had no idea that he could do that . I saw him with girl in photos he had 2 affairs at one time . I am still living with him I hate him whenever see him I just can't bare but my weakness is children we have 3 kids . He admitted and now sorry 4 his behavior and says me that I forgive but I can't really Can't God knows what happen I am 26 yr and he is 41 . My whole life seems to be rough and tough.