What to do when Your Friend Wants to Be More than Friends ...


What are the ways to handle a friend wanting to date you, when you don't return their interest? It's a pretty awkward situation to be in; you probably don't want to lose the friendship, yet you don't want to give them false hope either. But you can't make yourself feel the same way. Here are some ways to handle a friend wanting to date you …

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1. Don't Date out of Pity

One of the most important ways to handle a friend wanting to date you is to avoid dating them because you feel sorry for them. This won't do either of you any good; you won't enjoy the experience and they'll think you're genuinely interested in them. If you don't see them as potentially more than a friend, dating them won't change that at all.



Another reason to avoid dating a friend out of pity is that it can potentially lead to a toxic and unhealthy relationship. If your friend is struggling with self-esteem issues or insecurities, dating them out of pity may reinforce these negative feelings and create a power imbalance in the relationship. Additionally, it is important to consider your own feelings and boundaries in this situation. If you are not genuinely interested in your friend, it is not fair to either of you to enter into a romantic relationship. Communication and honesty are key in navigating this delicate situation.

2. Be Honest

It's hard to tell someone who's interested in you that you don't return their interest, and it's particularly hard when that someone is a friend. But honesty is definitely the best policy. There may be some awkwardness in your friendship for a while, and there is also the risk that you won't be able to stay friends. But better that than giving your friend false hope.


When facing this delicate conversation, be compassionate but clear in your communication. You might say something like, "I really value our friendship and I don't want to lead you on. I don't have romantic feelings for you, and I think it's important to be upfront about that." This approach ensures respect for both your feelings and theirs. While it won't be easy, this honesty paves the way for a healthier friendship moving forward, free from misunderstandings and unmet expectations.

Frequently asked questions

Oh, it can be tricky, right? Look for signs like extra attention, flirty behavior, and wanting to spend more alone time with you. Sometimes it's the small things that give it away.

That's totally okay! Be honest but gentle. Let them know how much you value the friendship and don't want to change it. Clear communication is key.

Oof, that's a big step! Try to find a good moment to talk. Be honest about your feelings and be prepared for any response. It's all about being open and sincere.

That's a tough one and depends on both of you. Sometimes, giving it some space and time helps. If the friendship is strong, it can certainly withstand some awkwardness.

Awkward moments are normal. Just give it some time and try to act natural. True friendships often bounce back. Keep being yourself!

3. Don't Overreact

Even if you feel awkward or annoyed, try to keep your reaction moderate. It may have taken your friend a lot of courage to tell you that they'd like to date you. Don't freak out and tell them to keep away from you, or assume that you can never be friends again.

4. Avoid Too Much Intimacy

Be cautious about being too intimate with your friend. What you see as a friendly hug may be taken as a sign that you are interested. It's best to avoid being in situations that could easily become too intimate; try to avoid being alone with them if they keep pushing wanting to see more of you.

5. Give Them Space

If they can't handle your 'rejection', your friend may benefit from some time away from you. Nobody feels good about being turned down, but being turned down by someone you know well is more painful and embarrassing than being rejected by a stranger. Let them come back to the friendship when they have got over you saying no.

6. Be Sensitive

It certainly won't do any good to let your friend think you might be interested in the future if you know you won't be. But you should try to be sensitive to how your friend is feeling. Few of us can shrug off being turned down without passing through a stage of feeling down about it. Acknowledge the effort they've made, even though you don't feel the same way.

7. Don't Look for a Substitute

Don't start dating someone else to try to put your friend off. They need to understand that you don't want a relationship with them. If you start dating someone new, your friend may think that you'll be available when you split with the new guy.

It's awkward to be put in the position of having to say no, but perhaps it's better that your friend knows you're not interested in dating them, rather than keep on hoping. It's brave of them to tell you how they feel. Have you ever dated a friend, for better or worse?

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Been through this a long while back. This friend was family to me. He was much younger than i so i automatically assumed the big sister role, especially once he entered my high school. He was taught well but fell under the influence of some disrespectful boys who's only interest was sex. He viewed women as only objects to satisfy sexual needs and that peed me off that no one was bothering to teach him otherwise. Then one random day i was a victim of his infatuation and had to turn him down politely at my front foor everyday for a week. That was three years ago and I've tried my damnest to mend our friendship but once it's only us it's nothing but silence if the other person doesn't excuse themselves

Just been through this :(

I'm the friend who fell in love with a friend for almost 10 years. But sadly I'm too late to admit my feelings.

I have had a friend for over 20 years. I may have been a bit naive with the dinner invites and twice we travelled as friends. The last month it became obvious to another friend that he wants more than friendship. I have never had these feelings for him. It is severely awkward. I cannot accept all dinner invites as readily any more. It's kind of sad however I do not want to be falsely accused of leading someone on either.