7 Ways to Handle Watching Your Ex Move on ...


It's never fun to see your ex with a new girl. Even if you're happy without him, it's upsetting to know that he's doing the things you used to do together with her. However, you can't let it bother you too much. Here are a few ways to handle watching your ex move on:

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1. Don't Torture Yourself

For some reason, we like to cause ourselves pain, which is incredibly unhealthy. So even though you have the urge to look through his Facebook photos to see all of his new pictures with his girlfriend, resist clicking on his page. What good will seeing him kiss her do? It'll only make you more upset, so avoid stalking him.

2. Don't Badmouth Him

If you're ex did something unforgivable, like cheat on you, then it's okay to let the world know about his wrongdoings. However, if things just didn't work out between the two of you, don't publicly bash him. It'll make you look worse than it makes him look, because you'll seem desperate and lonely. While you should feel free to complain about him to your close friends, don't make statuses about it and spread rumors about him at school or work.

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3. Don't Continue Contact

Some couples can break up and remain friends, but if it's too painful for you to deal with, there's nothing immature about telling him that you can't associate with him for any longer. If you can't imagine letting him leave your life for good, then just put your contact on hold for a few months, until you're over him. If you keep talking to him while you're wishing you were together, it'll only hurt you. Plus, it'll make his new girlfriend uncomfortable.

4. Don't Compare Yourself to Her

Even if he left you for this other girl, don't compare yourself to her. The fact that he chose her doesn't mean that she's prettier or that her personality is better. It just means that they click better. Once you find the right guy for you, you'll realize that some people just work better together than others do.

5. Don't Blame Her

Unless his new girlfriend purposely stole him away from you, there's no reason to be mean to her. Yes, it's easy to take your anger out on her, but is it really her fault? All she did was fall for the same guy you fell for and agreed to date him. If she never did anything bad to you, there's no reason to hate her. If you're angry, be angry at your ex.

6. Don't Hope He'll Return

When you like someone, crazy scenarios will pop into your head. However, it's time for them to stop once he has a new girlfriend. Even though there's a tiny chance that he might be dating her to get you jealous or is just lying about dating completely, it's probably not the case. Even if it is, you don't want to be with a liar, so let him go.

7. Don't Hesitate to Move on

The best thing you can do once you see your ex move on is to move on yourself. You don't have to jump into a new relationship with the first guy you see. You should just start flirting again, having fun with your friends, and living a life that you truly enjoy. There's no reason to mope around when there's so many fun things to do!

As painful as losing him feels right now, you'll heal from the pain eventually. It just takes time. Are you having trouble watching an ex move on?

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Having a lot of trouble because I was betrayed by my ex by rape once I had decided to end the relationship.

6 days before our 3 year anniversary and he left me without reason, moved out of my house and I never saw him again! such a coward and a a-hole. I cried for a week and let my parents of 27 years tell me that "true love never fades", guess it wasn't true love. it's hard moving on but no one deserves to be sad.

So the guy I liked turned out to be waaaayyyy different than I thought he was, he was over protective and he was jealous and very gossipy. Well I told him that it wasn't working and the same exact day he moved onto another girl! I was crushed. And now he keeps texting me and I want to forgive him but I know that he will just do the same thing over again. Typical.

The "can do it" refers to letting it go and not cussing or cursing et al.

I'm about to divorce next month! And I am so terrified of what I will feel when I see my ex with another woman!

Let it go. And if he has done you wrong, karma will take care of him. If he is an asshole, it will take a lot of self-discipline and maturity not to attack him verbally and continuously, but we are strong and resilient, and we CAN do it!

It's been almost two years and I'm still not over my ex. We broke up because of the distance. To this day I'm still heartbroken because I feel like we both gave up on each other really easily. Sometimes I want to blame it on the age we had and hope we get together in the future but I can't keep torturing myself.

Yes I still am but this helps :)

It's been like 6 and a half months for me and it is still hard to completely let go. I mean I am a lot Better than I was but I see him like once a week briefly. It's just a little harder than I thought.

This helps heaps! Only just came outta a long relationship a week ago coz he cheated on me!! This really helps :) thank you