When you have been in a relationship for a long time, you can’t help but start to feel the pull of something more official, of taking the next step and entering in to marriage with your partner. Of course, sometimes, you don’t want to come right out and say it because you don’t want to come across as some sort of bridezilla, and you are kind of scared of scaring him off if you have misread his own commitment! It’s always best to test the waters first. Here are fifteen ways to hint you're ready to get married.
Snapshot Survey
1. Themed Shows
Fill up your Netflix queue with shows that have marriage and weddings as a central theme. Hopefully when you watch together he will start to get some sort of idea of your future plans!
2. Ad Placement
Engage in your own spot of ad placement by leaving some conveniently placed magazines around the house. If you want to be super transparent just leave a wedding publication out, but something more subtle might be a vacation brochure to get him thinking about honeymoons.
3. Friend’s Engagement
Use the recent engagement news of a friend to get the conversation flowing in a natural way. The more you talk about it, the less daunting it will become in his mind!
4. Wedding Date
Always make sure to bring him as your date whenever you go to a wedding. It will get both of you familiar with that sort of scene, and hopefully, a few old relatives will start pushing him around and asking when he’s going to pop the question!
5. Dream Wedding
Play a hypothetical game with him in which you describe your own dream wedding. Hopefully, if he is on the same page as you, he will have fun adding in little details of his own.
6. Dream Proposal
You can also do the same thing with a dream proposal. You never know, he might have already been thinking about it, but didn’t want to disappoint you with his own way!
7. Themed CD
If you think that you are pretty much there, but there is something awkward or embarrassing about coming about and saying it, then you can always make a wedding themed CD for him to listen to while you are out!
8. Wedding Venues
Find reasons to go to iconic or traditional wedding venues with him, incorporating them into random day trips. You might get lucky and see one in action; all you’ll need to do is give him a sly wink!
9. Married Couples
Talk to him about married couples that you really admire, couples that you look up to and are planning to replicate in the future. Maybe his parents if they apply; that will give him extra food for thought.
10. Movie Night
Just like the themed shows, try out a subliminal movie night! Pick movies that include weddings and hope that he starts to get the idea!
11. Enlist His Friends
Maybe you can’t do it on your own, maybe you need to go behind his back so to speak and get in touch with his friends! You can enlist them to have a subtle word too!
12. Talk to His Mother
If you get on with his mother, then talk to her about it. If she loves you back she won’t want to lose out on you being her future daughter in law!
13. Wedding Pictures
Find random reasons to bring up and share wedding pictures from your friends or family. They can be fun to look through, and hopefully will send him a message.
14. Honeymoon Contests
Let him know that you have started to enter into luxury honeymoon giveaway contests. If he wants to go on vacation with you, then there is no other option!
If all else fails, you’ve just got to bite the bullet and tell him outright that you want to be his wife! You never know, he might be a shy guy who has been waiting for that concrete confirmation this whole time!