7 Ways to Keep the Spark Alive in a Long-Distance Relationship ...

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7 Ways to Keep the Spark Alive in a Long-Distance Relationship ...

There is a lot that goes into to being able to keep the spark alive in a long distance relationship. First, you need a partner that is willing to go the distance (literally). Then make sure that what you all have is based on a strong foundation of love and faith in each other. Now all you have to do is follow these simple tips to really keep the spark alive in a long distance relationship.

1 Check in with Each Other

Checking in is an easy way to keep the spark alive in a long distance relationship. Don’t let a day go by without an “I love you” or “I’m thinking of you.” Everyone needs a little love and affection even if they don’t come right out and say it. Show your guy that you care. Even if you risk being uncool by getting a little emotional every now and then, do it. What can it hurt to show the one that you love a little love?

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2 Don’t Discuss Everything through Text

We are very blessed to be able to communicate so easily. That being said, text messages should not be your only form of communication. Text messages are just too vague and they cannot convey emotions and the tense of your conversation. By not discussing serious matters through texts, you are avoiding some senseless arguments.


In a long-distance relationship, it's vital to hear each other's voices and see each other's faces. Schedule regular video chats or phone calls, as this allows you to pick up on subtle nuances in tone and expression that texts can't provide. These real-time conversations foster a deeper emotional connection, making misunderstandings less likely, and let you share moments as if you were physically together. Voice and video add an irreplaceable dimension of intimacy to your communication, keeping the spark alive despite the miles.

3 Skype/FaceTime/Oovoo Dates Are a Must

Gosh. These are my favorite. These techy dates are a cute and fun way to keep it real with your significant other. Seeing him in person would be amazing but since you can’t at the moment, a techy date is the next best thing. It allows you all to connect in ways that are not possible through a text or a regular phone call.


With video calls, you get the joy of reading each other's expressions, sharing a smile, or blowing a kiss that transcends miles. Make a date of it – settle down with a glass of wine, a fancy dinner, or even sync a movie to watch together. Turn it into a ritual, and you'll have something special to look forward to. Remember, it's about making the effort to see and experience each other's lives, even if only through a screen. Use these moments to keep the flame flickering and demonstrate that they're your number one priority, no matter the distance.

4 Send Love Letters

It is super old fashioned to send love letters, but do it. They are a sentimental way to show your love and appreciation. You don’t have to get all lovey dovey and write every single feeling. One or two letters about that is ok. Then just talk about what you want out of life. You know things that are important to you and him. These letters are a way for the two of you to establish a deep connection.

5 Be Patient

Love does not speed up for anyone. It takes time and patience. Throw in a bit of distance, and it will take patience as well. You need to decide if the relationship is worth the distance. If it is, then be patient with it. Don’t force the “I love you” to happen. It just will. You have to really hold your peace with this type of relationship. Your patience might just be the key to making it work out for the long run.

6 Visit Each Other as Much as Possible

Visits are like a support beam for long distance relationships. They help you reestablish that loving connection. It is like reassurance as to why you have got to keep going. Visits should be special. Don’t make the time you two have together menial. Go to your favorite restaurant, watch your favorite movie together, or even just sit and talk. The key is making sure to enjoy each other’s company.


Visits also offer a chance to create new memories that will tide you over until the next meet-up. Whether it's a surprise visit or a well-planned trip, the anticipation can stir excitement and keep the romantic flames burning. Remember, it's about quality, not quantity. Even if meetings are infrequent, make them count. If possible, take turns visiting each other's cities to share and experience each other's worlds. This not only adds variety but also allows for a deeper understanding of each other's day-to-day life, strengthening the bond even across the miles.

7 Don’t Give up without Trying First

Long distance relationships can be hard on anyone but if your love is worth it, it can be amazingly rewarding. I urge you to not give up on it until you have given the relationship an honest chance. Then after you have done all you can do, make your decision.

Distance will always be distance. Don’t let it get in the way of your happiness. Do you find these tips helpful?

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