7 Ways to Know if He is Mr. Right ...


7 Ways to Know if He is Mr. Right ...
7 Ways to Know if He is Mr. Right ...

Learning all of the different ways on how to know if he is Mr. Right isn't easy, especially if you really aren't sure! If you think that you have found Mr. Right and you are questioning it, don't worry ladies, it's common! Below, I've got the top ways on how to know if he is Mr. Right so that you can be sure that Mr. Right is actually Mr. Right! So, you ready to find out if your boyfriend is Mr. Right? Let's explore my top 7 ways on how to know if he is Mr. Right!

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1. Constantly Thinking about Him

Do you constantly find your thoughts heading back to him? Do you honestly take every decision and think about how he fits into it? That's absolutely one of the ways on how to know if he is Mr. Right! He should make you think about him all of the time, he should be the one constant thought in your brain! After all, if you didn't think about him, why would you be with him?

2. He Makes You Feel Butterflies

Ah, butterflies. These are the best things in the world to feel when you are in love. If he constantly makes you feel butterflies when he is around or when he is touching you, that's totally one of the ways on how to know if he is Mr. Right! If there is no spark or no jolt when you touch him, he might not be the one that you are supposed to be with. My partner, every single time I touch her, she makes me sparkle. It's a great feeling!

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3. He Stimulates Your Mind

Does your boyfriend stimulate your mind? Can you really talk to him about everything under the sun, including debates? To me, that is one of the most important things in the world! After all, you definitely want to be able to talk to your boyfriend and truly know them. This is another way on how to know if he is Mr. Right!

4. You Can't Imagine Yourself without Him

Can you imagine your life without your boyfriend? This is another way on how to know if he is Mr. Right that he is the one! After all, if you can't imagine doing anything without him or having him in your life, why wouldn't he be Mr. Right? This is totally one of the ways that I realized that my partner was the perfect person for me!

5. You Can Trust Him

Do you trust your boyfriend completely and totally? Do you tell him everything and know that he isn't going to reveal it? Do you trust that whatever he says is going to get done? If so, that's definitely a way on how to know if he is Mr. Right!

6. He Makes You Better

Does he make you a better person all over? Does he make you feel so much better when you are with him? This is another way to tell if he is the one for you! If he makes you feel like you are the best person that you can be, that's exactly what Mr. Right should do!

7. He Makes You Smile

Finally girls, does he make you smile? Does he make you laugh? Does he make you feel really happy? This is all important things and this is absolutely one of the best ways on how to know if he is Mr. Right! If he instantly puts you in a better mood and really makes your day, it's the one!

So girls, do you have a Mr. Right? Does your boyfriend meet all the criteria for Mr Right? Do you know now all of the ways on how to know if he is Mr. Right? What other tips and tricks do you ladies use on how to know if he is Mr. Right?

Top Image Source: junebugweddings.com

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

He likes me! :)

Love it He got all of 7 things But he just said that he's not ready to be in a proper relationship (>_<)

I swear this guy is the guy for me. I have never had a boyfriend and I'm 13. But he is just so sweet and funny. He told me he loved me. So then we talked like every night at like 2 am cuz we are both ridiculous night owls. Then he said he wasn't ready for a relationship until like 10th/9th grade and I'm in 8th grade. For homecoming we had a bonfire and he said he needed to talk to me then and we had a "so" conversation where we just said so back and forth but he just made me smile with that one word. He makes my heart beat a little faster. I get all nervous talking to him. He called me beautiful then but now he doesn't even reply to my text messages. I miss him so much. I try not to text him so I know that when he texts me he misses me but he hasn't texted me yet. I'm dying inside now. We would only text and he is just a really shy guy. He told my friend he liked me too. So he isn't embarrassed of me. But I just don't know

Heather!!!!! I need your help, basically there is this guy that I really really like and one day my friend went up to him and told him that i like him but I ran away so he didn't know who I was, so a couple of days later he realised it was me but we have never spoken to each other before, since then I always catch him glancing at me and would sometimes tap his friend if I'm close (says my friends) and would tell his friends (I think) to see if I'm there but then sometimes if I'm going down the stairs by myself and he is coming up he's look away really shy and awkward and I would do the same and one time me and my friend would sit at the same spot and he would be at the floor below us then one time him and his friend sat right next to where we sit is that a sign he likes me or coincidence , I'm really confused, does he like me back or?? My friends say he's into me but I don't know, and we've never spoken to each other before

this makes me happy :) my boyfriend use to be one of my best guy friends. and people always tell me "the worst thing to do is date your best friend", but i dont think that"s true everytime it happens.. because he is my best friend and we are happy as ever and were closer because of it :)) i knew him for a while and now i know he is my Mr. right!<3

I can't live without him but it it seems he isn't into me that way around

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