7 Ways to Read His Body Language ...


7 Ways to Read His Body Language ...
7 Ways to Read His Body Language ...

Learning all of the ways to read his body language is not easy is it? Guys are just as hard as girls to figure out sometimes, but girls, I've got the low down. Do you have a crush that you can't read his body language yet but want to learn? Well, I've got the guide on ways to read his body language and how you can tell if he is interested! So girlies, you ready to learn all of the ways to read his body language?

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Eyebrow Raise

The first way to read his body language that we're going to explore is his eyebrows. Do you constantly see your crushes eyebrows raised up? Does he look at you and then arch his brows? Well girls, then that means he's interested! Guys only raise up their eyebrows if they are really interested in something – so take it as a good sign if he looks surprised!


The eyebrow raise is just one of the seven ways to read a guy’s body language and understand what he’s thinking. It’s important to remember that body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which is why it’s so important to pay attention to it.

When a guy raises his eyebrows, it usually means he’s interested in what he’s seeing. It may be a sign that he’s attracted to you, or that he’s surprised by something. By paying attention to his body language, you can get a better understanding of what he’s thinking and feeling.

Other body language signs to look out for include leaning in when he talks to you, making eye contact, and smiling. If he’s leaning in, it may be a sign that he’s interested in what you’re saying. If he’s making eye contact, it could be a sign that he’s interested in you. And if he’s smiling, it could be a sign that he’s happy and enjoying your conversation.


Nostril Flare

Oh the old nostril flare. See, most girls would take this as a bad sign, but ladies, a guy will only flare his nostrils really if he is trying to catch the scent of something sweet but doesn't want to make it obvious. It means that he likes being around you, that he likes how you smell! This is one of the ways to read his body language that is typically overlooked.


Nostril flare is a subtle body language signal that men use to indicate that they like someone. It is often overlooked, but it is an important sign to recognize. When a man flares his nostrils, it means that he is trying to catch the scent of something sweet, such as the scent of the person he is attracted to. It is a sign of attraction and interest, and it can be a great way to tell if someone is interested in you. Additionally, it is important to note that nostril flare is a non-verbal signal, and it is usually done unconsciously. Being aware of this body language signal can help you determine if someone is interested in you without them having to say it.


Parted Lips

Parted lips on a guy is another body language piece that is constantly overlooked and ladies, it's actually a sign that he is nervous, a sign that he is speechless, which is a sign that he actually does like you. If you constantly see your crushes lips parted, it might be a good time to approach him!


When it comes to understanding a guy's body language, there are many subtle clues that can help you understand his feelings. One of these is parted lips. If you often see your crush with his lips slightly parted, it could be a sign that he is nervous and speechless due to his strong feelings for you.

Parted lips can be a sign of attraction, as it is a sign that he is trying to make himself appear more attractive. It can also indicate that he is interested in what you are saying and is trying to make a connection with you.

In addition, parted lips can be a sign of comfort and trust. It is a sign that he is comfortable in your presence and feels safe enough to let his guard down. This could be a sign that he is willing to open up and share his feelings with you.

Parted lips can also be a sign of anticipation. If you often see him with his lips slightly parted, it could mean that he is looking forward to something, such as a conversation or a date with you.

Finally, parted lips can be a sign of respect. If he is looking at you with his lips slightly parted, it could indicate that he is showing you respect and admiration.



Oh man, the fidgets. Us girls fidget when we are nervous right? It only makes sense that a boy would fidget too when he is around someone that he likes. So girls, if you see your crush constantly fidgets when he is around you, it's a good sign!


He might play with his hair, adjust his clothing, or shuffle his feet. It's like his energy has nowhere to go because you're right there electrifying the air. Pay attention to the subtle switches in his posture, the nervous tapping of his fingers, and if he's wearing a watch, you might catch him twisting it around his wrist. It's the silent dance of someone who's trying to impress, but also not sure how to channel all that excitement. So, darling, that fidgeting could just be the physical manifestation of his butterflies. How cute is that?


Preening Gestures

You know how we constantly are brushing our eyebrows back or messing with how our shirt fits with our crush is around? This is another way to read his body language! If he is constantly preening around you, it just means that he likes you!


Preening gestures are a way to read a man's body language and understand his feelings towards you. When a man is around someone he likes, he often makes small adjustments to his appearance, like brushing back his eyebrows or adjusting his shirt. This is known as preening and it is a sign that he is interested in you.

It is important to note that preening is a subtle gesture and can be easily overlooked. If you are trying to read a man's body language, it is important to pay attention to the small details. If he is constantly preening around you, it is likely a sign that he is interested in you.

In addition to preening, there are other body language signs that can help you understand a man's feelings. For example, if he leans in when talking to you, it is a sign that he is interested in what you are saying. He may also make frequent eye contact, which is another sign of interest. Additionally, if he smiles or laughs often when you are around, it is likely a sign that he is interested in you.

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Hair Messing

Next up, hair messing. Don't you constantly mess with your hair when you are with your crush? If you see him doing the same, it's definitely a sign that your crush likes you!


Hair Messing is a subtle sign of attraction. It is a common behavior associated with flirtation and is often seen when someone is around their crush. It is usually done unconsciously and can be a sign of nervousness or excitement. While it is not a guaranteed indicator that someone is interested in you, it can be a good indication that they are. Other body language signs to look out for include eye contact, smiling, and leaning in. If you notice your crush exhibiting these behaviors, it could be a sign that they like you.


Stays Close

Finally, a guy doesn't stay close to a girl that he is not attracted to. So girls, if your crush is constantly close to you and constantly edging in closer and closer, that definitely means that he likes you!

Guys are hard to read and keeping up with all of the different ways to read his body language is hard! So girls, what other ways to read his body language are out there? Any not listed?


Body language is an important tool in understanding the feelings of others. It can tell us a lot about the person we are interacting with, and can even be used to tell if someone is attracted to us.

One way to read a guy’s body language is to check if he stays close to you. If a guy is constantly close to you or edging closer, it could be a sign that he is interested in you. This is because guys are usually more distant and reserved when they are not attracted to someone.

Other body language signs that could indicate a guy is interested in you include: eye contact, smiling, leaning in, an open body posture, and playing with his hair. Eye contact is especially important, as it is an indication of interest and attraction. If he is looking into your eyes and holding eye contact for an extended period of time, it could be a sign that he is attracted to you.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

If a guy has his head down when he sees you but looks up at you with his head down what does this mean, then other times just looks and stares?

Hi, I have an ex colleague whom I have only used to lunch or went out with in a big group. Recently, he gets to learn that i had bake some cookies had requested whether he could have some of them.  From there on, we got to meet up alone which we had never did before as colleagues. Subsequently, we started to go out in few occasions for dinners & drink and started chatting through messages.He has also been quite gentleman and chivalrous when we went out together. He would always text me to check if I have reached home after our meeting. There's also times where we chatted for hours via SMS over midnight and I felt that he seems to be interested in knowing about my interest, what I like or dislike. In our messages, he would sometimes mentioned about what we could do in our future meetings. There are few occasions where i caught him looking at me and i turned and looked into his eyes for few mins before i looked away. But most of the time I was the one who initiated the chat (via SMS) while he's the one suggesting to meet up. May I know is he interested in me by looking at what I have shared? What can I do to identify more obvious signs that he is interested in me? should I cut down initiating the SMS to him, and see if he would text me.

My crush is really nice to me but only when we're alone together. Whenever we see each other in the hallway, he either ignores me or looks at me then turns away. I don't get it. We have 2 classes together and he always hangs around me and talks to me then. And when we have class projects, he always asks me to be his partner even though I'm not good at that subject... I'm really confused

After idk how many weeks of seeing such coincedential signs i made a move & talked to him today... i asked for his # he said im sorry i cant .. i ask why? Do you have a gf he paused and then said yes?? But why would he send so many mixed signals he even ended up sitting near me this past week when he used to always sit somewhere else & abt 2weeks ago he waited for me & walked behind me i opened the door for him when had already opened his & even went through mine & said thank you (friendly) but i just dont get it what signs this guy was giving to me??

i have a guy friend and he shows all of theres signs... is it more than friends or just random stuff going on Erin*

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