8 Ways to Recover from an Abusive Relationship ...

By Heather15 Comments

Learning all of the different ways to recover from an abusive relationship isn't easy. Going through the process is hard, but necessary in order for you to really heal. Girls, if you've been in an abusive relationship, I've got the top 8 ways to recover from an abusive relationship. So ladies, if you've been in an abusive relationship, you might want to take a read to these top ways to recover from an abusive relationship.

1 Build a Support Group

The very first way to recover from an abusive relationship that we are going to explore is getting together a support group. Truthfully, this will help you get through your breakup and get you to realize yourself. Getting out of an abusive relationship is hard enough, being isolated (especially if your past relationship dwelled on isolation) is never something that is good for you. So surround yourself in love and support!

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2 Avoid Relationships for a While

Another way to recover from an abusive relationship all revolves around avoiding relationships. After you get out of a hard, abusive relationship, you want to take some time. You never, ever want to just jump right into another relationship with someone, you want to take the time.

3 Find Yourself Again

When you're in an abusive relationship, you can actually lose yourself. You can lose everything about yourself. One of the top ways to recover from an abusive relationship is to make sure that you find yourself again. That means that you'll have to do some soul searching, that you'll have to dig down deep and see if the old person that was there before you were in a relationship is still there.

4 Self Affirmations

One way to recover from an abusive relationship that involved a lot of downgrading and insults is to compliment yourself. Really allow yourself to believe your subconscious that you are beautiful, that you are worth it, that you deserve someone that is going to treat you beautifully. These little self affirmations can make all of the difference in the world ladies!

5 Give It Some Time

Remember when I said that you should avoid relationships for a while? Just give it some time ladies. This time will allow you to heal, allow your body to heal and allow you to start believing in yourself again. A lot of the time, when an abusive relationship is over, you can feel horrible about yourself – you need time to build yourself back up.

6 Get Some Professional Help

Always, when you are looking for ways to recover from an abusive relationship, seek some professional help. A professional can actually help you really talk about your experience and can dig deep down and see why you stayed so long. After all, why would you want to stay with someone who is constantly abusing you? Why would you want to stay with someone who makes you feel horrible? Think about it!

7 Talk about It

Talking about your experience with either a professional or with your friends can really make all of the difference in the world. An abusive relationship can eat you alive, from the inside out if you keep it all inside. So girls, if you are looking for a great way to recover from an abusive relationship, talking about it is the way to go!

8 Keep a Journal

Finally, the last way to recover from an abusive relationship that we're going to cover, all revolves around keeping a journal. Even if you don't want to talk about your experience, writing it down in your journal can absolutely help you.

So girls, now that you know all of the ways to recover from an abusive relationship, you're going to take these to heart right? After all, learning the ins and outs of ways to recover from an abusive relationship isn't easy.

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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