6 Ideas for Valentine's Day as a Single Lady ...

By Reem

6 Ideas for Valentine's Day as a Single Lady ...

Need some ways to spend Valentine's Day when you're single? You have seen it on every corner of the street! Gigantic red bears, heart-shaped pillows and boxes, bouquets of flowers, red cards and candles. Not to mention, lots of breathtaking chocolate! As romantic as it sounds, I know for sure that it is not easy to be single and celebrate a day that glorifies romance. But this February 14, we singles are not going to spend the night weeping on a couch with some ice-cream. Are you with me ladies?! I have come up with six ways to spend Valentine's Day when you're single.

1 Share the Love

facial expression, human hair color, girl, lady, blond,Positive energy attracts people! Have you thought of the people who are less fortunate than you? What about sending them some cards that will lighten up their lives? They could be your parents, besties, co-workers, or even the barista who delivers you your coffee every morning. This is one of the best ways to spend Valentine's Day when you're single.

Frequently asked questions

2 Create a “Secret Valentine”

This is a new version of Secret Santa that can be done on Valentine's Day. So round up with your close friends and exchange gifts. Besides, who needs a boyfriend when you’ve got your cuties?

3 Host a Singles Party

This is a singles party where no couples shall enter to celebrate; only single club members are allowed in!

4 Pamper Yourself

You can benefit from this day for some “me” time. Visit the spa and indulge yourself with a massage.

5 Go to a Lavish Group Dinner

Who doesn’t love food? Cook a fancy dinner and invite your close friends over. Food is always delicious and boys are moody. Make the right choice!

6 Just Ignore It

If you’re not feeling interested in V-Day, why not just drop the topic and treat it like any other day? You certainly don’t have to make it a special day. You can put on your best relaxing pajamas and just be you.

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