7 Ways to Switch off Your Feelings ...

Heather Jun 7, 2023

7 Ways to Switch off Your Feelings ...
7 Ways to Switch off Your Feelings ...

Learning all of the different ways on how to switch off your feelings is never, ever easy, but sometimes girls, it's necessary. How to switch off your feelings isn't something that you need to do all of the time, but when you are at work or even when you're trying to get over an ex, it's necessary. If you haven't mastered how to switch off your feelings, don't worry girls, I've got your back and I'll teach you some of the top ways to switch off your feelings so that you don't get hurt.

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1. Develop a Thick Skin

The very first tip on how to switch off your feelings all revolve around developing a thick skin. I had to do this when I first started working and honestly, it's helped in every facet of my life. If you're in a relationship, you can't take every single thing personal, so developing a thicker skin can help you not fight with your boyfriend as much and really make it so that you aren't so sensitive.


Developing a thick skin isn't about becoming uncaring or insensitive; rather, it's about resilience. Think of it as emotional armor that shields you from unnecessary hurt. It's important to distinguish between constructive criticism and negativity that you can simply let roll off your back. By doing so, you'll find that your reactions become more measured, your emotions remain more stable, and you'll nurture a healthier, happier you that's capable of dealing with life's ups and downs without being overwhelmed.

2. Don't Let Him Hurt You

If he says something that is off the wall and could hurt you? Block it out! Don't let it hurt you! It'll actually make him mad probably that he can't hurt you -- or show him exactly how tough you are because you aren't letting anything hurt you. Give that a try girls, remember, you are the only person that can let anyone hurt you.

Frequently asked questions

You know, sometimes feelings can just be overwhelming. When things get too intense, like after a breakup or a rough patch, turning off feelings seems like the only way to cope or protect yourself. It’s about a little peace of mind when your heart's on a rollercoaster.

Honestly, it’s a double-edged sword. While it might give some short-term relief, in the long run, we need to process emotions for our mental health. Suppressing them forever isn’t really the healthiest path but taking a break to breathe can be okay.

Ah, that’s a tough one. It usually takes time and some distance helps. Focusing on yourself, picking up new hobbies, and spending time with friends can distract and eventually redirect your emotions. But patience is key with this one.

I wish it were that simple! But no, emotions are part of being human. We can maybe dull them or push them aside for a while, but completely shutting them off is quite unlikely. They have a funny way of finding their way back.

There are plenty! Try meditation, journaling, or talking to someone you trust. Physical activities like yoga or even a run can also really help. It's about finding what works for you to keep your emotions in check without bottling them up.

3. Distance Yourself

If you have to go through this step girls, you might want to reconsider your relationship. If your partner is constantly hurting you, constantly causing you to distance yourself, that's a sign that it might not be a healthy relationship for you and you might actually be better off with someone else. Distancing yourself from the situation can help make sure that you switch off your feelings.

4. Meditate

My mom meditates all of the time. It's one of those things that she does to escape, to really look down deep in herself and to really pull herself out. Meditating can actually help you get through any hurting or pain that you are feeling -- it's also a great way to really look inside yourself! I meditate when I feel hurt, it helps me get through the pain!

5. Do Not Think about It

Thinking about your feelings and dwelling on everything individually can actually hurt you more. I know it's hard, I know that you probably think I'm nuts -- but try it. Don't think about it, don't think about the situation, don't let those thoughts enter your mind. Do you feel better? Over thinking things can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and fights.

6. Know You Are Better than That

You are better than fighting girls, better than letting someone get control of your feelings. You should really be able to decide when you get hurt, when you are angry, when you are upset. These are all emotions that you are in charge of and while your partner might poke and prod, you've got to know when you can switch them off and just let things flow.

7. Start a Journal

Finally, a journal is a great way to get all of your emotions out and make sure that you are in control of them. I have a journal that I write in all of the time and it works for me! It allows me to really pour my emotions out into it and nobody can see them. Remember, your journal is your journal, you don't need to let anyone else see it!

So girls, there are tons of ways on how to switch off your emotions, these are just a few of them. Have you ever had to switch off your feelings? Tell us!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Meditation keeps my girlfriend from getting stabbed. One warning about lesbian relationships: They PMS with you.

Great advice! I needed that right now! Everything heals with time right!

Great advice!!

You guys think shutting down your emotions help? They don’t trust me

I try but I was not concerntrate, so when I had a moment alone, my emotion turn back on, made me so sick. It was so hard to turn of your emtional when u don't distance yoursefl. I know the fact that I am the one to control myself but sometime I still had feeling and hpe to reconnect with them

You think you're telling them how to switch off emotions, you're not. You are telling them how to simply deal with stuff in an obvious way. None of this has to do with fucking switching off emotions. I seriously pity your narrow mindedness and lack of knowledge of actual hardship.

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