8 Ways to Tell if You Are Bi-Sexual ...


Figuring out ways to tell if you are bi-sexual is never easy. It's a confusing, hard and difficult thing to even think about. When I came out as bi-sexual, it was hard on a lot of people, but in the end, it turned out fantastic. If you have a feeling that you might be bi-sexual, there are ways to tell if you are bi-sexual. Below, I'm going to go over some of those ways to tell if you are bi-sexual!

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1. Gut Feeling

Girls, it all starts with a gut feelings. Sometimes, one of the biggest ways to tell if you are bi-sexual is to really go with your feelings. Your feelings are often right on and truthfully, they reveal so much about you. If you have a gut feeling that you might be able to be attracted to the same sex as well as the opposite sex, you could be bi-sexual.

2. The Attraction is Deep

Now that you've identified the feelings, you have to understand that the attraction is not just a passing thing, it goes deeper than that. The attraction could start with looks, then move into personality and finally, how compatible you two are, even if they are the same sex.

Frequently asked questions

3. You Are Attracted to More than Just the opposite Sex

Being bi-sexual is one of the hardest things to handle. A lot of people don't understand a lot of the ways to tell you are bi-sexual and also don't understand … what being bi-sexual is. It is possible to be attracted to more than one gender and if you are feeling that you are attracted to both the same and opposite sex, it could be a sign that you are bi-sexual.

4. Sexual Urges

It doesn't just boil down to attraction though, it is all sexual urges too. If you are feeling a sexual urge for both genders, it might be a good indication that you are bi-sexual. Or at the very least, you might be a little bi-curious, which is all about experience and testing out the limits!

5. The Feelings Go beyond Looking

It is common, whenever you are out and about to actually look at the same sex, you could even think of a member of the same sex as hot or pretty, but the feelings when you are bi-sexual typically go deeper than that. Ladies, one of the ways to tell you are bi-sexual all revolve around your feelings and if you've got strong attraction, it could be something more!

6. Test Your Feelings out

One of the surefire ways to tell you are bi-sexual is to test your feelings out. There are plenty of girls out there that are feeling exactly the same way you are and why don't you try to act on your feelings? Who knows, maybe even try dating a girl just to see if that is something that you enjoy.

7. Talk about It

Talking it out with either your friends or your family is a great way to really express exactly what you are feeling. For me, having a support group was really, really important to me. You might even be able to find just one really close friend that you express everything to and that can help you through your bi-sexual tendencies.

8. Do Your Research

Just because you might have sexual thoughts and think one girl is attractive, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are bi-sexual, but you may want to do your research. These are just a few of the ways to tell if you are bi-sexual, remember though, it's all about your feelings and what attracts you!

Coming out to anyone or even having thoughts about being bi-sexual is really difficult. There are definitely ways to tell if you are bi-sexual though. If you think that you are bi-sexual, just take a look at this list! What other ways to tell if you are bi-sexual are there? Any you can think of?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I think this girl I work with might be bi and I think I'm starting to be bi too. I seriously start blushing every time she talks to me it's so embarrassing. Idk what to do. :(

i'm bisexual and i've been starting to really come to terms with it and just being a lot more happy with it than I was when I first realized it. i've told quite a few of my friends and they all have been so supportive so that makes me feel even better. not sure when I'll come out to my family bc a lot of them are very religious and conservative, but for now i'm happy with where I'm at :)

Thank you<3

I'm only 14 and I've never dated anyone but I think that I could be bi because I have had crushed on boys and recently crushes on girls too and I know that if they were bi then I would definitely try dating them. But I can't tell if I am or not.

I have thought that I was bi-sexual for a year now. I think I might like my friend. She's so pretty. I admire her smile and everything about her. Plus, she's bi-sexual too. I think I might try and have a relationship with her. Who knows?

I've never been attracted to females in reality but I admit that I get turned on by lesbian porn. Does that make me bi-sexual?

In the last 10 months feelings for my best friend developed, it was scary but yet beautiful. We know each other so well that we were able to talk through the uncomfortable/nervousness/questions and now we've been together for 3 months and I've never been happier. To be in love is great but in love with your best friend...that much greater

I was just talking with my friends about crushes and the I just said that I had girl-crushes too. They took it really fine