We Appreciate when Men do This for Themselves ...


We Appreciate when Men do This for Themselves ...

Finding time for yourself and investing in entertainment and self-development should be everyone’s “duty”. However, it is talked about more often among women. We girls know that our well-being depends on how we take care of ourselves. We are starting to get used to it, and we try (not without obstacles) to find some free time, for example, to go for a massage.

Unfortunately, things are completely different in the world of men. Guys aren’t used to focusing on their needs like that, especially when it comes to their looks and relaxing, and well, they should! We like well-groomed men, and they also want to take care of themselves, but society has mastered the art of spreading harmful myths and expectations, e.g., that self-care makes men effeminate. Let’s debunk this myth once and for all!

If your partner is already doing a lot just for his own pleasure – great! If not, we’ll show you some things that you can suggest to him!

1 Wearing a Great Outfit

You don’t see a well-dressed man too often. The right fitting of clothes, appropriate colors, and cut – all of this requires a lot of effort. And it is not about wearing the latest and most expensive outfits straight from the catwalks, but about wearing clothes suitable to the situation, appropriate for one’s body and being consistent with one’s style. Choosing a wardrobe is not an easy task, so keep your eyes open, and if you notice a guy in a great outfit, don’t be afraid to compliment it.

Speaking of an outfit, don’t just think about a well-tailored suit - what’s underneath counts too. Well-chosen underwear is as important as a beautiful shirt. It is unhealthy to wear ill-fitting panties that are too tight. Only the best boxer briefs for men may prevent various potential problems with discomfort or even infertility, so if you see that your partner’s underwear wardrobe needs a refreshment, go shopping together.

Frequently asked questions

2 Visiting Gym

Not everyone has to have a six-pack, but every man should exercise, as it’s essential to their health! By practicing sports, men reduce the risk of overloaded joints or cardiovascular diseases. Besides, the feeling of joy thanks to endorphins released during exercise is priceless.

Ideally, there should be a sport that is right for you and your partner. Shared passion brings people closer together, and joint exercising is an excellent opportunity for you to work on your own figure and performance!

3 Well-Groomed Beard and Hairstyle

More and more men are opting for a beard that gives them a real lumberjack look. Regular visits at the barber’s shop, as well as specialized cosmetics and beard brushes make the man look wild, but also tidy and elegant.

The same applies to a hairdresser. The guy who just had his haircut done looks great and feels even better.

4 Skin-Care

It’s a myth that a man needs only soap and water for his skin-care. Guys also have skin problems. Besides, they also may experience dry and itchy cheeks after shavings. A good moisturizing cream will come in handy to relieve dehydrated skin. But it is not all yet.

Prompt your partner to use a facial tonic. It is an effective tool in the fight against obtrusive clogged pores, and it also makes the skin more elastic and nice to touch.

5 Self-Development

We love it when a guy takes care of himself on the outside, but there are a few things they might do, and which we won’t notice at the first glance - personal development is one of them. It’s good if a man is constantly expanding his knowledge and is an intellectual challenge for us. Besides, isn’t reading books super-sexy?

It is not only the novels that count in this ranking. Business and self-development books are also great! Read them together - it will allow you to set up your private book club and exchange interesting insights.

6 Entertainment

There is nothing better than watching a happy person. Therefore, let’s try to support our partners in fulfilling their passions. Being in a mutually supportive relationship, where both of you have a positive attitude towards each other will immensely contribute to your well-being.

Entertainment should be in everyone’s daily repertoire, especially after a hard day at work. Then, instead of going to a party, you can have a nice time in the cinema or in the spa together. Whatever suits you best.

The above examples are not super difficult to bring to life. If he is not making those things for himself yet, give him a hint, and after some time, you will see how quickly your partner falls in love with his new habits and will not want to give them up.

It is important to support and praise him in making new resolutions. You can also think of some activities, such as playing sports or reading books, as a great idea for spending quality time together. Knock down the stereotypes saying that a guy can’t do something nice for himself. Encourage him and be supportive - your relationship will only benefit from it.

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