7 Wedding Planning Tips ...


7 Wedding Planning Tips ...
7 Wedding Planning Tips ...

Wedding Planning Tips are helpful whether you're planning the wedding yourself or using a planning. First, though, congratulations! You're engaged! Once you get over the shock (and quit ogling that rock!) it's time to get down to the serious-and fun-part, which is the wedding planning! But before you dive right in, you're going to need some wedding planning tips. So that's why I'm here! After surviving many of my friends' weddings and vow renewal ceremonies, plus my own wedding, I have plenty of great wedding planning tips to offer! Many of these are simple, but easy tips that an overly excited or stressed out bride might not think of in the flurry to prepare for her big day. With this list to keep you on track and give you practical, helpful advice for your big day, you'll be well on your way to a successful wedding with lots of sweet memories to cherish! Here are 7 wedding planning tips you need to know before your big day arrives.

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1. Make a Budget

Amidst the excitement and flurry of getting together all the details of a wedding, many brides forget to set a budget and end up spending way more than they ever wanted to! You can avoid that easily. You'd be surprised at how much money can be saved just by setting a budget and keeping an eye on where your money is going. The first thing you should do after choosing the date is to map out a budget. That's an important wedding planning tip!

2. Get Things Done in Advance

Among the many brides I've know throughout my life, there are a few who waited till the very last minute to make arrangements for certain aspects of their day, and I'm sad to say that their wedding didn't go over as planned. Don't let that happen to you! Make sure you call vendors, book appointments, schedule trial runs and buy everything you will need as far in advance as you possibly can! This will save you from last minute runs on the big day or desperation resulting in catastrophe! This planning tip is the most important one to heed!

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3. Be Unique

No matter what anyone says, here is a wedding planning tip especially for you. It's YOUR wedding. Not your mother's, or your grandmother's or your third cousin's best friend's daughter's wedding. It's yours! So have it YOUR way, and break tradition if you want. Don't play Canon in D if you want Unchained Melody. And remember, there are many different ways to do things these days. You aren't stuck with having your bridesmaids carry bouquets if you don't want. They can carry anything from umbrellas to little purses or candles or nothing if you want!

4. Make Checklists

A good wedding tip for any bride is to have checklists. This ensures that you get everything done and it will also help you keep track of phone numbers, appointments and schedules. Planning a wedding can be a busy thing and you don't want to forget anything. Even the smallest detail can throw your whole wedding off, so take precautions to make sure it doesn't!

5. Employ the Help of Friends

This wedding planning tip is where your bridesmaids come into play. You don't have to do it all by yourself, thank goodness! Bridesmaids come in handy helping address and stuff wedding invitations and thank you cards, putting up and taking down decorations, running errands (wedding related errands of course), and making sure you have everything you need for your big day. Also, remember family members and friends may have talents they can offer you such as flower arranging, musical abilities, decoration skills, baking talents and many other things!

6. Remember Others

As mentioned before, it IS your wedding and you should have it your way. That being said, there is nothing wrong with heeding advice or taking suggestions. Remember, your mother and other well-meaning relatives have been through their own weddings and likely have valuable advice and tips to offer! And also, think twice before refusing to wear great aunt Bertha's veil. You may look back in a few years and be glad that you did, for the sentimental value.

7. Don't Stress

Here is a very vital wedding planning tip for all brides, everywhere. No matter what your position, how small of a budget or how little time you have to prepare for your wedding, DO NOT stress over it! Yes, it's a big day and of course you want it to go smoothly, but it's important to take time out and relax so you don't make yourself sick. Odds are, you will collapse at the end of your big day anyway, so take some time out to chill. Get a massage, get a pedicure or take a bubble bath. You are the bride, so enjoy it!

One final wedding planning tip to leave you with. Odds are, no matter how much planing and preparing you do, something is bound to go wrong. So just remember to breathe and have fun and not let it ruin your big day! You may look back and laugh at it! All these other wedding planning tips come down to enjoying your day for what it is. I hope these **wedding planning tips **were a big help to you in the planning and preparing for your big day! Do you have any other tips for all those brides out there, to make their special days go more smoothly?

Top Image Source: shechive.files.wordpress.com