What Are the Most Common Intimacy Issues for Each Zodiac Sign? ...


What are the most common intimacy issues for each zodiac sign? Intimacy. It’s a short, simple word, but it encompasses a whole world of different emotions, states of mind and states of physicality! When you think about intimacy in a relationship, there is obviously the physical, sexual side of things, but there is also the intimacy that relates to being able to open yourself up in front of a partner and be vulnerable on an emotional level. There are so many different layers of intimacy that us humble humans can’t always be good at accessing and displaying every single one, and if you are invested in astrology, then you will know that our star signs can give us plenty of clues as to what our issues might be. Here's your answer for what are the most common intimacy issues for each zodiac sign?

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1. Aquarius

photograph, black and white, person, monochrome photography, photography, You prefer logic to feelings, and the problem here is that intimacy is all about interpreting and acting on the right feelings rather than following the logic of the situation! This could lead to people seeing you as quite cold.


Aquarius is known for being independent, analytical, and intellectual. They tend to be more focused on the big picture, rather than the details. This can make it difficult for them to connect emotionally with others and to express their feelings. They may also be perceived as distant or aloof, which can lead to problems in intimate relationships. Aquarius is also a sign that is known for its strong sense of justice and fairness, and they may have difficulty understanding why people don't always act in the same way. This can lead to further issues in relationships, as Aquarius may not be able to understand why people don't always agree with them or act in the same way.

2. Pisces

black, photograph, black and white, monochrome photography, emotion, You are so adaptable and good at being the person that others want you to be, that you can sometimes forget what it is that you want. This can be problematic when it comes to intimacy, because it is such a personal thing that you have to connect with a deep feelings level.


Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, and is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. People born under this sign are often highly sensitive and empathetic, making them excellent at understanding and connecting with others. They are also incredibly adaptable and can often be whatever other people need them to be.

However, this same trait can also make it difficult for Pisces to connect with their own feelings and desires. They may find it difficult to be truly intimate with someone, as they may be so focused on being what the other person wants that they forget to connect with their own feelings. This can lead to issues with communication, trust, and emotional vulnerability.

Pisces can combat this issue by taking the time to really get to know themselves and their own feelings. They should take some time to be alone and explore their own thoughts and desires without worrying about what others may think. This will help them to be more confident and honest in their relationships, and to create a stronger connection with their partner.

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3. Aries

photograph, black, person, black and white, mammal, You are very determined to do everything in your preferred way, which means that you aren’t particularly a fan of other people trying to take care of you. In the same vein, you find it hard to let someone know when you actually do want to be cared for.


Aries are known for their independence and strong-willed nature. They often prefer to take the lead and can be quite stubborn when it comes to relying on others. Despite this, Aries are also passionate and loyal partners who value close relationships. They may need to work on expressing their needs and desires for intimacy in order to have successful relationships. Aries can benefit from learning how to be vulnerable and open up to their partners in order to foster deeper connections.

4. Taurus

black, photograph, black and white, darkness, monochrome photography, You are not very good at dealing with sudden changes in your life, and this can lead to an aversion to letting someone in who wants to get close to you, simply because you are scared of the ups and downs of unpredictable intimacy.


Taurus is an Earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships. This sign is known for its stability, practicality, and loyalty. While these qualities make Taurus a great partner, they can also lead to intimacy issues.

Taurus is highly resistant to change, and this can make it difficult for them to open up and let someone in. They are also very independent and can be hesitant to rely on someone else for emotional support. This can lead to a fear of vulnerability and a reluctance to share their feelings.

Taurus is also known for their stubbornness and possessiveness. They may be overly protective of their relationships and unwilling to compromise. This can lead to a lack of trust and communication, which can be a barrier to intimacy.

Taurus is also very traditional and can be resistant to trying new things. This can prevent them from taking risks and exploring their sexuality. They may also be too focused on achieving stability and security, which can lead to a lack of passion and excitement in their relationships.

5. Gemini

interaction, girl, You like to flirt, but that is usually about as far as it goes because you have a fear that if you make a connection with someone and let them in, they will be able to see your hidden dark side. The only problem being that you don’t actually have one, you only think you do!


Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and is represented by the Twins. People born under this sign are known for their dual nature, which can make them appear to be two completely different people. They are often seen as sociable and outgoing, but they can also be quite shy and introverted. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, which gives them a quick wit and an ability to adapt to any situation.

When it comes to intimacy issues, Gemini can have difficulty opening up and allowing someone to get close to them. They may fear that if they let someone in, they will be able to see the darker parts of their personality. This is usually not the case, as Gemini is more likely to be afraid of being hurt than anything else.

Gemini is also known for being indecisive, which can make it hard for them to make decisions in relationships. They may also struggle with commitment, as they may be afraid of being tied down or of missing out on something.

Gemini is an air sign, which means they are very intellectual and enjoy intellectual conversations. They are also very open-minded and enjoy exploring different ideas. They are often attracted to people who can challenge them and stimulate their minds.

6. Cancer

white, black, photograph, person, man, You tend to wear your heart on your sleeve, which can often be a problem because it can make you feel vulnerable in a relationship where you are putting it all out there for somebody else. The trick is to allow yourself to be vulnerable rather than being ashamed of it.


Cancer is a sign of the zodiac that is ruled by the moon, and it is associated with emotions, intuition, and feelings. People born under the sign of Cancer are known for being deeply caring and nurturing, and they often wear their hearts on their sleeves. This can be a problem in relationships, as it can make them feel vulnerable when they put their feelings out there for somebody else.

In order to have a successful relationship, it is important for Cancers to learn how to open up and be vulnerable without feeling ashamed. This is a process that takes time and patience, but it is worth the effort. It is also important for Cancers to remember that their feelings are valid and to take the time to express them in a healthy way.

Cancers are also known for their loyalty and commitment. They are willing to go the extra mile for their loved ones, and they are always there to provide support and comfort. This can be a double-edged sword, however, as Cancers can sometimes become too clingy and overbearing. It is important for Cancers to find a balance between being supportive and allowing their partners to have their own space.

Cancers are also sensitive to criticism, and they can take things too personally.

7. Leo

black, photograph, black and white, man, monochrome photography, Your main issue is that you love nothing more than to be in charge, which is fine if you have a partner who is happy to lead in whatever direction you please but can cause a problem if they too want to be the alpha in the relationship.


Leo is a sign that loves to be in control, but if their partner also wants to take the lead, this can cause conflict. Leo is a sign that loves to be the center of attention and can be very passionate and loyal in a relationship. However, they can also be very demanding and possessive, which can lead to tension in a relationship. They can also be very stubborn and unwilling to compromise, so it's important to be able to have open and honest communication in order to ensure a successful relationship.

8. Virgo

photograph, black and white, monochrome photography, photography, snapshot, You can’t seem to shake a feeling of unworthiness, even though it is completely unfounded. Because of this, it can be hard to for you to open up to someone for fear that they will see all of your perceived imperfections.


Virgo is an Earth sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Those born under this sign are often known for their analytical and perfectionist tendencies. They are often hardworking, organized, and detail-oriented.

When it comes to intimacy, Virgos may struggle with feelings of unworthiness, even though these feelings are usually unfounded. They may be hesitant to open up to someone for fear of being judged or rejected. This can make it difficult for them to connect on an intimate level with someone.

Virgos may also find it hard to be vulnerable and express their feelings. They may be afraid of being judged or criticized for their emotions. This can be a barrier to forming meaningful connections with others.

Virgos may also struggle with trust issues. They may be overly cautious when it comes to relationships, and may find it hard to let go of their need to control. This can make it difficult for them to let someone else in.

9. Libra

black, black and white, monochrome photography, photography, joint, Libras like to sweep problems under the rug rather than deal with them head-on, and this is obviously a recipe for disaster when it comes to intimacy and a relationship. Don’t pretend everything is great when it’s not, confront the issues and clear the air.


Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is represented by the scales. People born under this sign are known for their strong sense of justice and balance. They are also known for their diplomatic nature and ability to see both sides of any situation.

In terms of relationships, Libras are looking for a partner who can provide them with emotional stability. They tend to be very romantic and affectionate, and they appreciate a partner who is willing to go the extra mile to make them feel special.

Unfortunately, Libras have a tendency to sweep problems under the rug rather than dealing with them head-on. This can be a major issue when it comes to intimacy in a relationship. Libras need to be aware of this tendency and make sure to confront issues as they arise.

Libras also need to make sure they’re taking the time to express their feelings and needs in the relationship. They need to feel heard and understood in order to have a strong and healthy relationship.

10. Scorpio

photograph, black and white, monochrome photography, photography, snapshot, You are somebody who thrives on deep feelings, but for a new love interest, that can sometimes feel like too much too soon. Rather than avoiding intimacy, your problem is that you go in for it a little too early.


Scorpios are passionate and intense individuals who have a strong desire for intimacy and connection. They are highly intuitive and can sense when someone is not being genuine. They can become overwhelmed by their own feelings, and this can lead to intimacy issues with new love interests.

Scorpios are often too eager to open up and share their feelings, which can make them seem overwhelming to a new partner. They may also find it difficult to trust someone new and can be suspicious of their intentions. This can create a barrier between them and their partner and prevent them from expressing their feelings.

Scorpios also have a tendency to be jealous and possessive. They may become overly protective of their partner, or they may feel threatened by the attention they receive from other people. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and can make them feel like they are not enough.

Scorpios need to find a balance between their need for intimacy and their need for independence. They need to learn to trust their partner and to be honest about their feelings. They should also be aware of their own emotional needs and not be afraid to ask for help when needed. With patience and understanding, Scorpios can work through their intimacy issues and find a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

11. Sagittarius

black, man, black and white, monochrome photography, photography, You are one of the most footloose and fancy-free people that you know, which means that you often avoid too much intimacy because you feel like falling for someone equals falling into a lifestyle changing trap. This doesn’t have to be the case, especially if you find someone who is equally as adventurous!


Sagittarius is a sign of the zodiac which is symbolized by an Archer and ruled by the planet Jupiter. People born under this sign are known for their adventurous, independent, and optimistic nature. They are also known for their love of travel and exploration.

When it comes to intimacy, Sagittarians often have difficulty with commitment and can be hesitant to open up to someone. They may fear that allowing themselves to become too close to someone will lead to a lifestyle change that they are not ready for. This can lead to a fear of rejection or abandonment, which can make it difficult for Sagittarians to feel truly close to someone.

However, when Sagittarians are able to find someone who shares their adventurous spirit and is willing to explore the world with them, they can be very passionate and loyal partners. They are also great communicators and can be quite romantic.

Sagittarians can benefit from taking the time to really get to know someone before jumping into a relationship. It is important for them to make sure that they are both on the same page and that they are both comfortable with the level of intimacy they are sharing. Once they are able to do this, they can have incredibly fulfilling relationships.

12. Capricorn

photograph, black and white, monochrome photography, photography, snapshot, You have a tendency to want to be seen as the strong one at all times, which is fine in and of itself, but the downside is that when the time comes that you do need some help and intimacy, you are too stubborn to ask for it.