What You Should Know about Cuffing Season ...


What You Should Know about Cuffing Season ...
What You Should Know about Cuffing Season ...

What is cuffing season and should you care?

Let’s start with actually explaining the term. If you don’t live in a place like Los Angeles, chances are that you experience the four seasons of the year in all their changing glory. While many single people like to take the summer on solo and practise independence in the blazing sun, when autumn comes and winter is on the horizon, a phenomenon arrives in which people start to emotionally "cuff" themselves to another person in order to make the bleaker months more bearable. Cuffing essentially involves two people coming together for intimacy and companionship in the months where you spend most of your time inside. It’s a way to pass the time and not be alone over the holiday season. Here's what you should know about cuffing season.

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What Are the Upsides of Cuffing?

The upsides are definitely one of the most important things regarding what you should know about cuffing season.

• Locking down a seasonal cuff makes it a lot easier to enjoy sexual intimacy through the cold months, compared to having to go out to bars and clubs in horrible weather just to try to hook up.

• A winter cuff gives you somebody to share your indoors time with, and there is usually a lot of indoors time when the weather takes a turn for the worse. There is only so much Netflix you can watch without wanting to add a "chill" to the mix too!

• When you have a cuff over the winter months, you can finally delete all of those horrible dating apps that give you more grief than they do glory. Let’s face it, nobody wants to wake up on Christmas day to a graphic selfie from a total stranger!

• It’s a total truth that if us girls are single over the winter, we have absolutely no reason to maintain any kind of body maintenance routine. Take your body hair regime for example! This can be fun and liberating for a time, but if you have a cuff and need to keep up with the growth, you will find that you aren’t left with such a laborious task when spring comes around!

• Let’s not forget the health benefits of being in a relationship – even if it’s a cuffed up one. Being in a relationship is fun and boosts your mood. You laugh more! It also boosts your immune system. What better way to ward off winter chills and sniffles? Cuddles and snogs and sex are much better than cough syrups and nasal sprays. There’s also the fact that being cuffed can decrease your blood pressure and lead to less stress.

• You never know! Your cuff-up might even turn into a real relationship when the warmer months return.


What Are the Downsides of Cuffing?

• Funnily enough, the winter months are the months that always produce the most enjoyable work and holiday parties. If you have already settled with a cuff by September, you are cutting yourself off from all of the potential romantic and sexy fun that might arise from these parties. And trust me, such fun opportunities nearly always arise!

• Having a cuff during these months can also give you more unnecessary responsibilities, like having to accommodate their holiday plans and visit family that you don’t know or care about, and even splashing cash on gifts for them. You could even end up sacrificing valuable time with your friends to spend time with your cuff instead.

• You might not want to admit it at the time, but you know full well that by the time spring comes around, you are and your cuff are going to be calling it quits. Do you really have the time to be wasting on a relationship that you know is going to be strictly temporary?

• Cuffing has more commitment than a friends with benefits relationship or casual dating. One of the biggest downsides is dealing with calling it quits. The difficulty is that you may have entered in it just for the cuffing season. The other person in the handcuffs may have been more romantically inclined. Breaking up is always hard to do, whatever the reason.

If you can guarantee an easy relationship that you’ll be able to simply walk away from in spring, by all means, get cuffed up. Honestly though, you can have a lot of fun in the colder months as a singleton or with casual dating.

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