You Don't Need a BF to do These 17 Fun Fall Activities ...

By Holly

You Don't Need a BF to do These 17 Fun Fall Activities ...

Don't cry about being single, just because it means you don't have anyone to go out on dates with. You can go out with your friends instead and do the same things you'd do with a man. Don't believe it? Here are a few fun fall activities that you don't need a boyfriend to do:

1 Go Apple Picking

Grab your girls and go into an orchard. When you're done picking fruits, you can bake them into a pie.

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2 Have Brunch

Plenty of women go out for brunch together. It's a great way to catch up in the middle of a busy week.

3 Plan a Picnic

Your friends love to eat, so they won't turn down any invitation that involves food. As long as you're willing to make sandwiches for them, they'll be willing to go on a picnic with you.

4 Ride in a Canoe

You don't have to wait until summer to spend time in the water. Hop in a canoe and try to steer it around with the help of your friends.

5 Walk through a Corn Maze

Even though Halloween is over, there are still corn mazes you can walk through. They'll keep you occupied for hours.

6 Take a Hayride

Most places that contain corn mazes offer hayrides as well. While you're there, you might as well take advantage of the opportunity.

7 Go Wine Tasting

If you're all of legal age, go taste some wine together. It'll feel much fancier than sitting around, drinking beer.

8 Have a Movie Marathon

You don't have to snuggle on the couch to enjoy a movie marathon. But then again, your friends probably won't mind getting under the blanket with you.

9 Cook Fall Foods

Your friends can have a competition to see who can bake the best fall dessert. Of course, you'll all be winners, because you'll have plenty of tasty treats to munch on.

10 Go Camping

Grab a tent and brave the outdoors. Just make sure you do it soon, because it's getting colder and colder.

11 Ride Your Bikes

You used to ride bikes down the block with friends as a kid. Why won't you do it again now? It's good exercise.

12 Visit a Flea Market

Your friends will love a good deal as much as you will. That's why you should skip the mall and go shopping with them in a flea market.

13 Collect Leaves

It's time to act like a kid again. Go outside, sort through the leaves, and pick out your favorite ones. Then you can press them into a book.

14 Create Fall Decorations

Before Thanksgiving, you should make some turkey decorations. There are plenty of things you can find on Pinterest, so what are you waiting for?

15 Have a Photo Shoot outside

Fall is the best season for taking photos. Grab your camera and take some shots in the leaves with your closest pals.

16 Fly a Kite

When the weather is right, go fly a kite. It'll make you feel young again.

17 Have a Bbq

Invite all of your friends over for some hamburgers and hotdogs. You can catch up on life, play games, and just enjoy each other's company.

Pretty much anything you can do with a man, you can do with your friends instead. Have you done any of these things this year?

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