17 Complaints You Shouldn't Have about Your Boyfriend ...

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17 Complaints You Shouldn't Have about Your Boyfriend ...

We all love to complain. There's something soothing about it. However, the list of complaints you have about your boyfriend shouldn't be a mile long, because there are some things he shouldn't be doing in the first place. Here are a few complaints that you shouldn't have about your boyfriend:

1 He Makes You Feel like Crap

Your boyfriend should make you feel special. If he makes you doubt yourself by insulting you, or just neglecting you, then he's not the right guy for you.

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2 He Physically Hurts You

He shouldn't touch you, unless he's reaching for your hand or giving you a kiss on the lips. If he hurts you once, he'll hurt you again, which means you need to get far away from him.

3 He Constantly Makes You Cry

If he's giving you more reasons to cry than to laugh, you're in an unhealthy relationship. He should be one of the reasons why you're excited to wake up in the morning, not one of the reasons why you dread starting your day.

4 He Flirts with Other Girls

If he loves you and respects you, then he won't act inappropriately around other women. There's no reason for him to flirt around when he already has an amazing girl like you.

5 He Forgets Important Dates

Your anniversary might slip his mind one year. However, he shouldn't forget to buy you a birthday gift or a holiday gift.

6 He Won’t Give You Attention

You shouldn't have to beg for your boyfriend's attention. He should give you what you need without being asked.

7 He Won’t Leave You Alone

Your boyfriend shouldn't act like a stalker. He should trust you enough to let you see your friends without him.

8 You Hate His Family

You might not love his parents, but you shouldn't hate them, either. If you do, then you'll probably have a few problems in the future.

9 You're Not Attracted to Him

Your boyfriend doesn't have to be the most attractive person in the world. However, you should think that he's cute. Attraction is important.


If you find yourself grimacing rather than grinning when he walks into the room, that's a telltale sign. Attraction isn't just about looks—it's about that spark and connection you feel when you're together. If it's missing, you might struggle to feel excited about the relationship or intimate moments. It might be worth considering whether this lack of physical draw is a temporary blip or a deeper disconnect. After all, you deserve to be with someone who makes your heart flutter!

10 He Doesn’t Want the Same Things as You

If you want children, but he doesn't, then the relationship probably won't last. You should be with someone who wants the same type of future as you do.

11 He Won’t Text You Back

There's no reason for your boyfriend to ignore you. If you text him, you should receive a text back.

12 He Expects Too Much from You

He shouldn't expect you to dress like a model and act like a princess. He shouldn't expect you to stress yourself out, just to make him happy.

13 He Won’t Put in His Fair Share

He should do the dishes just as often as you do. He should pay for meals as often as you do, as well.

14 He Doesn’t Understand You

You should be with someone who "gets" you. Otherwise, how are you going to talk to him about your wants and dreams?

15 He Never Listens

Your boyfriend should listen when you speak. If he loves you, he'll actually care about what you have to say.

16 He's Bad in Bed

If he wants you to be happy, he'll make sure that you're satisfied in the bedroom. He'll alter his technique to make you moan.

17 You Don’t Think You’ll Be Together for Long

If you don't think your relationship is going to last, then it probably won't. After all, you know more about your relationship than anyone else does.

If your boyfriend is right for you, then you shouldn't have any of these complaints. Have you ever had these complaints about a boyfriend or an ex?

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