7 Disarming Ways to Attract a Virgo to Make Them Yours ...

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7 Disarming Ways to Attract a Virgo to Make Them Yours ...

Now, you've all been probably wondering, how do you go about learning how to attract a Virgo? I've done my research, girls and boys, and I've got the top tips to attract a Virgo that will really get his or her attention no matter what! If you've got a crush on a Virgo, you've got to take a look at the tips below so that you'll know exactly what will attract your darling Virgo-crush!

1 Neat, Clean & Tidy

The one thing that you need to know about the Virgo sign is the fact that they like things very neat, very tidy and they want to make sure that everything is clean. If you're inviting your Virgo-crush over for a hanging out experience, one surefire way to attract a Virgo is to make sure that everything is straightened up!

Frequently asked questions

2 They Hate Falseness

One thing that Virgos absolutely hate is falseness. They don't want someone that is fake, instead, they want someone that is real, someone that is going to tell them the truth about everything. If you can't be upfront with your Virgo-crush, why are you trying to attract them? Trust me on this one, don't be fake with a Virgo, they will figure it out and be extremely upset with you!

3 Avoid Gushing Compliments

While you might want to compliment your crush, one thing that you might want to take to heart is avoiding really gushy and mushy compliments. They tend to not take these types of compliments that well and if you are really trying hard to impress them, or at least to attract your Virgo-crush, you don't want to embarrass them!

4 Very Detail-Oriented

The Virgo sign as a whole is extremely detail-oriented, so that means that if you make plans with your Virgo-crush, you've got to make sure that it is all detailed out and that your plans don't change a whole lot. Remember, this sign isn't huge on change, they really like to have things set in stone.


When planning a date or an outing with a Virgo, the devil is truly in the details. Make sure your plan is well-thought-out and meticulous, ideally with a place for everything and everything in its place. This might mean booking reservations, checking on hours of operations, or planning for weather contingencies. This thoroughness shows you respect their need for order and predictability, and it can be the difference that makes them truly relaxed and open to connection. Indicating you’ve taken the time to consider all aspects can be very alluring to a Virgo, and they usually appreciate the effort deeply.

5 Dry Wit is a Must

While you might be bubbly and all giggles, you've also got to really have a dry wit and a dry sense of humor to attract a Virgo. They like sarcasm, they like someone that understands dry wit and someone that can get their sense of humor. I'm a bubbly person and I know that I can switch it up a little and do the dry wit just as well as anyone else – you've got to be versatile!

6 No out-of-Control Bursts

Oh, those emotions and the freak outs – you've got to keep those to a minimum whenever you are dealing with a Virgo. You don't ever want to fly off the handle when you're trying to attract this particular sign, as they don't typically deal well with any emotional issues. Trust me, keep the emotions under wraps in the beginning!


Virgo is all about calmness and stability. They appreciate a partner who epitomizes balance and doesn't allow their emotions to dictate the atmosphere. It's particularly crucial in the early stages of your relationship when you're laying the foundation of trust. Being emotionally unpredictable can seem exciting to some, but to a Virgo, it's a red flag. They're drawn to individuals who show they can handle life's ups and downs with a level head. So, keep the peace and show you're someone who can ride the waves of life with grace and poise.

7 Steer Clear of Emotional Issues

And that brings me to my last point, steering clear of all the emotional issues. In the beginning, you don't want to bring a bunch of emotional baggage into the mix, as darling Virgos do not deal well with emotions. So, if you have an issue? Keep it on the DL for a little while until you get to know your Virgo-crush better!

So, these are just a few of the top ways that you can attract your very favorite Virgo to you to make him or her yours! Have you ever been attracted to a Virgo?

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