5 Genius Ways to Turn Him on without Touching Him ...

By Sici

5 Genius Ways to Turn Him on without Touching Him ...

We all know exactly where to touch a man if you want to get him aroused in the quickest way possible! It’s not rocket science to figure that one out, but if you want to be considered a true seductress and master of your craft, you need to know about all of the ways you can get his juices flowing without going straight for the obvious! In fact, you can learn to do it without grabbing anything at all! Here are five ways to turn him on without touching him!

1 Eye Contact

You can say more with your eye than with any amount of words! Locking eyes with him from across a crowded room and looking at him in such a way that tells him exactly what you are planning on doing to him later on is one of the sure-fire ways to get him hot under the collar with even touching him.


Mastering the art of seductive glances, combine a slow smile that creeps up as your eyes stay fixed on him. It's like an unspoken challenge, a promissory note of the excitement to come. Those fleeting glances, followed by playful looking away, will have his mind racing with anticipation. And if you're feeling particularly daring, a cheeky wink can tip the scale from suggestive to downright irresistible, leaving him utterly spellbound by your non-verbal allure.

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2 Little Black Dress

Dress to impress! If you turn up looking like a million dollars, he will spend more time thinking about what is underneath that LBD than what is going on in the rest of the world! The sight of a beautiful woman exuding her natural sensuality in a sexy garment is definitely enough to turn a guy on.


So, slide into that oh-so-perfect little black dress that hugs your curves in just the right places. Accessorize with a dash of confidence and a splash of your favorite perfume. As you move with grace and allure, the subtle rustling of fabric will promise a story yet to be told. Remember, it's not just about the dress—it's about the mystique and poise you bring to it. A lingering glance, a playful smile, and the world around him will fade into a blur. With this timeless ensemble, you'll be the captivating siren in a sea of ordinary.

3 Laughter

Give him another sort of boner, a funny boner! Funny, flirty conversation can often be enough to get a guy hot and bothered, because finding someone that you can truly laugh with and not feel like you are putting on a show or trying too hard is something that we all search for in life.


Laughter is a powerful tool when it comes to turning someone on without touching them. It can be a great way to break the ice and get to know someone in a more intimate way.

Humor is often seen as a sign of intelligence, and it can be a great way to show someone that you have a good sense of humor and that you can make them laugh. Not only can it be a great way to flirt, but it can also be a great way to show someone that you are comfortable with them.

When it comes to flirting, humor can be a great way to get someone's attention and to show them that you are interested in them. It can be a great way to show someone that you are confident and that you have no problem being yourself.

Humor can also be a great way to show someone that you are capable of having a good time without having to resort to physical contact. It can be a great way to show someone that you are comfortable with yourself and that you don't need to rely on physical contact to make them feel attracted to you.

4 Intrigue

Don’t put it all out there for him at once. Leave something of yourself behind closed doors in order to create an air of mystery and intrigue. Men always want what they can’t have, so playing a little game of cat and mouse will definitely get his juices flowing before you have so much as stroked his arm!


Becoming a master at subtle hints, such as a coy smile or a secretive glance, can do wonders. You’re crafting a delicate dance of seduction where anticipation is your partner. Revealing little quirks and unexpected talents over time can make his imagination run wild. Whether it’s an unknown hobby or a hidden passion, these revelations will keep him on his toes and hooked on the unfolding story of you. Just like a good book, if every chapter is a cliffhanger, he’ll be desperate to read on.

5 Dirty Talk

Do with your words what you could otherwise be doing with your tongue and lips! Whisper in his ear all of the things that you want him to do to you, and that you want to do to him, and you will soon see that touching his body doesn’t even have to be part of the deal in order to get him ‘ready’ for action!

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