8 Handy Hints for Moving in with Your Boyfriend ...

Alison Jan 6, 2013

8 Handy Hints for Moving in with Your Boyfriend ...
8 Handy Hints for Moving in with Your Boyfriend ...

If you’re loved up and thinking of finding a cosy little love nest, then you could do with some tips for moving in with your boyfriend. You might think all you need to do is find an apartment and packing your things in boxes, but making a live-in relationship work is a lot more complicated than that! So here are some tips for moving in with your boyfriend …

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1. Discuss

One of the primary tips for moving in with your boyfriend is to have detailed talks about what you expect from living together and how you will organise things. It might not seem very romantic, but you need to discuss everything very thoroughly. Lots of relationships go wrong because issues have not been thrashed out in advance.

2. Money Talks

Then there is the question of finances. Are you going to split costs evenly, or will one partner pay more if they have a higher income? Each couple has to decide what is right for them. If you earn half as much as he does, you may resent paying half the bills, or you may feel that is fair.

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3. Be Sure

It’s very easy to imagine when you’re in the early stages of a relationship that moving in together will be 100% wonderful. The reality is just not like that. Living with someone means living with their flaws – be very sure that you can cope with the real person. You won’t just see the best bits of them!

4. Organise

Again, it might not seem terribly romantic, but as a couple you will need to organise how the chores will be shared. Believe me, the romantic gloss will soon wear off if you find yourself doing all the cleaning, laundry and cooking! Make sure that he is prepared to do his fair share.

5. Adjustment

Moving in with someone can come as quite a shock. Suddenly you see a different side to them, and it might not be too exciting! You will need time to adjust as a couple when you make the transition from dates and weekends away to cohabiting. Don’t expect it to happen too quickly – give it the time it needs.

6. Reality

Living with your boyfriend is a natural progression in your relationship, but as I’ve already pointed out, it’s completely different from the dating stage. It’s important to be realistic, and be aware that living with someone means dealing with the boring aspects of daily life – it can’t be all fun!

7. New Place

Some people feel that when you move in with someone, the best option is to start afresh in a new place, especially if the old one was shared with a previous partner. That way, there are no memories of the ex, and no comments about how she always put that vase on the table in the corner. Things like that make you feel that it isn’t your home!

8. Exit Plan

Finally, nobody wants to think that a relationship might fail, but you need to cover yourself. Always have an exit plan in mind in case it does go wrong. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in an apartment with your ex because you haven’t saved up the money to rent a new place.

Moving in with your boyfriend is lovely, but you also need to keep a cool head. No relationship can be all hearts and flowers; there will be difficult times and disagreements. If you both have a realistic outlook and are prepared to put in the effort, then you can be really happy together. Have you ever had any disastrous experiences when living with a boyfriend?

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Lol whats the worst that can go wrong.

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