7 Hints to Make the Most of Internet Dating ...

By Alison9 Comments

Internet dating is no longer seen as a strange way to meet potential partners. Many successful relationships started with looking at online profiles. But this method of finding dates has a number of pitfalls and dangers; you have to be particularly vigilant when you're speaking to someone online and haven't met in person. Here are some hints to help you make the most of Internet dating

1 Assume Exaggeration

The first rule of Internet dating is to assume that people are exaggerating. That doesn't mean that they are necessarily out to deceive you. People may think that they will sound more appealing if they knock a few years off their age, or add a few inches to their height. It's like lying on your resumé to get a job. Assume exaggeration until you find out that something is true.

Frequently asked questions

2 Never Send Money

You might think that you'd never fall for a dating scam. But some scammers are highly skilled at spinning a convincing story and drawing you into their net. They make you believe that you have a relationship with you, even though you've never met, and they'll come up with constant excuses to postpone a real-life meeting. If your online boyfriend asks or begs you for money, don't fall for his sob story, however plausible it is.

3 Keep Your Address Private

Keep your address private from dates until you feel completely comfortable with them knowing where you live. Your online date probably isn't a psycho, but if you decide early on that you don't wish to continue seeing them, you probably won't want to risk them coming round. Some people can be very persistent and can't understand why you're not interested. Always put your personal safety first.

4 Don't Reveal Too Much Private Information

It's best to limit private information on profiles and when chatting to dates. People can behave in an odd way when they're online. They think that chatting online means that you have created an instant connection. But you're under no obligation to answer questions. So if your date asks something that you don't want to tell them, tell them that you're not comfortable answering that yet.

5 Be Flexible

Do you have a very firm idea of your perfect partner? The problem with that is that real people rarely live up to perfection. Why set out to be disappointed? Many very happy partnerships have been formed between couples who on paper don't seem to match at all. By all means, have a list of attributes that you seek, but keep an open mind. Don't dismiss someone out of hand because they don't tick all the boxes.

6 Know Your Requirements

At the same time, you should know what matters to you in a relationship. If someone cannot meet a fundamental requirement for you, there is no point dating them. For example, if you disagree on wanting children, it won't work. If you're a complete party animal and need someone equally lively, don't date someone who hates going out.

7 Treat It as Fun

Above all, treat Internet dating as something fun. If you meet a nice partner, that's great. But don't treat it as a military exercise, with the perfect partner in your sights. You won't meet Mr or Miss Right first time round, so just have fun. You may not meet the perfect guy, but you could meet some friends.

Internet dating is now a perfectly normal way to meet a partner. The days are gone when people lied about meeting their significant other on the Net. So if you want to try it out, keep your head on straight, be safe, and enjoy your dates. Did you meet your partner through Onternet dating?

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