7 Online Dating No-nos to Stop Doing Right Now ...

Lindsey Feb 25, 2014

After soliciting the help of my two friends who met each other on a dating website, I was able to put together a list of online dating no-nos to avoid when searching for that special someone. They explained to me the things that other users did that failed to impress and really turned them off. The small details that you include in your profile are important because they contribute to the first impression other online daters will have of you. Stay tuned for these online dating no-nos to help avoid any mishaps and get closer to meeting your other half!

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1. Don’t Use an Alias

One of the first online dating no-nos my friends mentioned was using a fake name. Some sites do tend to stick to usernames, but when prompted to use your name, use your real one. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than having xMuscleManx send you a message, so show people who you really are right from the get-go. If you're nervous about using your full name, use your first and middle name instead of your first and last name.

2. Let Things Play out

Don’t send someone a message asking for a date right away. Show the person that you’re interested in getting to know them first and let the date pan out naturally.

3. Use Other Forms of Communication

Once you have a couple of back-and-forths with someone, move the conversation offline. This way, the conversation becomes more personal, and the natural progression of dating can begin.

4. Don’t Shy Away from Being Unique

Try not to be cliche and put what you think people want you to hear in your profile. After all, you want someone to like you for who you are, so catering to what you think other people may like is not doing yourself a favor.

5. Use a Real, up-to-Date Picture

One of my friends mentioned that the girl in the profile picture he was talking to had long blonde hair and was very attractive. Turns out on their first date, she was a completely different person. Please don’t use a fake picture. This has bad karma written all over it and will definitely scare away your date.

6. Keep the Initial Message Short and Sweet

It’s best not to be long-winded and throw a lot at someone all at once. Try sending a brief, flirty message to get things going.

7. Don’t Be a Serial Online Dater

This one’s a biggie. So many times I have heard a friend say they were dating a guy from an online dating website, but turns out, they were also talking to other people at the same time. It’s understandable to keep your options open in the beginning when you’re first meeting people, but just because it’s online dating doesn’t mean it isn’t real life. Always be respectful and don’t lead someone on.

Meeting people can be very difficult. Especially after graduating college and going out in the real world, it seems increasingly harder to meet people on a busy work schedule. Online dating can be an excellent way to get yourself back in the dating game, but just remember to be yourself. Hopefully these tips will be helpful and you’ll be meeting awesome new people in no time! Do you have any tips for dating online? Please share in the comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

online dating is so much harder than meeting pple in real life.. it's like shopping for a partner and unless your willing to comprimise, you'll never find 'the one' because that perfect person dosn't exist

I've dated the serial dater, and I was the serial dater. Either or, it is confusing. You start repeating stories, thinking someone told you something.. When it was someone else... It is just a bad thing to do if you try to do it for long periods of time. And very fun if you do it for just a couple weeks at a time :)

My ex an I had started dating from an online dating website. However after 10months together he had re opened his account and was flirting with girls online. This crushed my self esteem, and trust also because he was sending a friend if mine messages then finally sent her a picture. Thank Goodness for great friends, she advised me right away and I confronted him about it. Be CAREFUL girls, some guys are just out for their own ego boost. Make sure both of your profiles of what you want match.

I have been on dating sites.. There are many men out there who don't realize that if they are telling untruths, that eventually the truth will come out. I have spoken with some men who have told me that this has also happened to them by women who lied. Silly people.. They usually get caught!

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